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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Its been 2 months and things have been going great. Ki'Niah is a hand full but we can handle it because she's not loud.

She's grown over the months and I've been going to the gym 24/7 so I've lost almost all of my weight. My booty low key grew and my body is nice and slim.

I took Niah out her crib because she was crying. I played her in the changing station because I can smell why she was crying. I put a pacifier in her mouth while I changed her.  I took all of her clothes off because I was going to take her a bath after I cleaned her.

When I finished I put a towel around her and picked her up. I disposed of her dirty diaper.

"Good morning Niah " I cooed

She looked at me

"Good morning beautiful" I cooed

She smiled and I kissed her cheek

"That my girl"

I took her to the bathroom and put her baby bath in the tub and filled it with warm water and baby soap. I grabbed her rag and the shampoo, I washed her hair with the shampoo and began to scrub her body down with the rag. I cleaned her real good and carefully washed her face. When I finished I grabbed her with the towel and dried her off.

I took her to her room and put some baby lotion on her body, then I put her white long sleeve onesie and her cute little purple fur vest. I towel dried her hair and combed it out with a bristle brush then put some virgin coconut oil in her hair.

When I finished we went down stairs and got a bottle of freshly squeezed breast milk out of the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave

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When I finished we went down stairs and got a bottle of freshly squeezed breast milk out of the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave. I grabbed the bottle and we went back to her room.

The room was a little messy so I  put her in her crib for a quick second and cleaned the room while the milk cooled down. As soon as I put her down she began to cry.

"Awe don't cry baby girl, mommy is waiting for your milk to get cold" I said putting her dirty clothes in the hamper then I put everything back where they were supposed to go.

I picked her back up and she stopped crying I sat in the bed next to the crib. I put a bib around her neck and began to feed her. She drank half of the bottle so I put a piece of tap on it and and wrote the time she finished drinking.

I forget stuff quick so i make sure I write everything down when it comes to her.

I burped her then we went to my room. Her lazy daddy was still in bed sleeping.

"Niah make your daddy wake up" I said sitting on his side of the bed

"Say wake up daddy" I said hitting him with her hand

I laid her on his chest and kissed his cheek

"Baby wake up" I said

His eyes slowly opened and he smiled

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