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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Its been a week since I've talked to Markus and im not finna lie i miss him.

But he just made me so mad that day and i aint feel like talking to him for a while i needed a brake and it was hard.

I almost talked to him on accident

I love Markus and I feel like i need to talk to him, i just dont know how.

He woke up early this morning and i haven't seen him since.

He probably went to his "friends" house.

I was just sitting on the couch watching tv everyone else was no where to be seen today.

So i was basically home alone watching some lame ass show.

Im so board bruh i can't do this i need to go back to work.

I cleaned around the house and rearanged some stuff.

I called the man to cut the grass and clean the pool.

I really got alot of stuff done today.

But it was getting late and everone else was already home they decided to stay in and i didnt even mind.

But where the fuck is Markus, he never stayed out for so long.

I sat here for a good two hours and now its going on 11 and markus was just walking into the house.

He walked right past me and up the stairs, I didnt say nothing.

After a good 30 minutes i heard shuffling down the stairs and i see markus coming down the stairs with suit cases about to walk out the door.

When i tell you a nigga almost had a heart attack!

I got up real quick

"Markus where you going?" i asked

"Im leaving"

I grabbed my chest

"Why?" I asked

He didnt say nothing he just kept walking.

I grabbed him

"You not going nowhere, you promised me" i said as tears began to form in my eyes

"You giving me no choice Kijani, ion feel wanted here" he said

"But you are"

"Funny way of showing it" he said opening his trunk

He put one of his suitcases in and i took it right out

"Markus im so serious you not leaving this house" i cried "You cant do this to me why are you giving up on us, why are you doing this to me! You promised me Markus you fuckin promised!"

"Ion wanna leave you jani you making it look like you want me gone and ion do too well with that, i gave you a week and you never changed" he said

"I was just still annoyed i just don't like what you did, and how you didnt know what you did i. I felt like i needed some space and i know if i told you that you would have went all crazy"

"I didnt think it was a big deal"

"Well it was"

"Im sorry, i really am"

"Ion even care about that, i dont want you to go. You're the only thing i have right now the only thing im holding on to and if you're gone i have nothing"

He pulled me to him whiped my tears and kissed me.

"Im not going no where baby, i dont plan to" he said "There wasnt even nothing in the suit cases i really wanted you to talk to me i missed you"

I straight faced him

"Are you serious"

He nodded and i hit him

"You play too much all you had to do was come talk to me cause i missed you too"

"Well shit i wouldn't have known" he laughed i shook my head and we took his suit cases and brung them back upstairs.

When we were done markus pulled me to him and kissed my stomach.

"Baby im hungry" he said

"You want me to go make you something?"

"No i got what i want right infront of me" he smiled unbuttoning my pants

I looked down and smiled

"Oh okay shit do what ever you want"

"Shit you aint gotta tell me twice" he said




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