
303 11 4

Kijani Cebra | Jani

I walked out the hospital happy as fuck no more boot.

A nigga is so fuckin happy. I gotta go home and wash my foot though cause that shit smells funny as fuck.

"Slow down happy feet i gotta unlock the door so you can get in" Markus said

"Im so happy" i said

"I see that" he said as we got in the car

I sat in the car and looked at my foot through the sandle. My foot looks so skinny.

We made it to the house in 20 minutes.

I jumped out the car and ran to the door i opened it and everyone was waiting to see me i finally got this boot off.

"Ew what the fuck is that? " Darren asked pointing to my foot

"My foot nigga" i rolled my eyes

"Why is it so skinny? " Nick asked

"Cause it's been in wrapped up and its been in a boot for the longest duh" Chantal said

"Shut up"

She stuck her tounge out at him

"Well let me go up stairs" i said


I walked up the stairs normally with a smile on my face.

Finally no struggling

I walked to the bath tub and slightly filled it with soap and water. I grabbed a towel and sat at the edge of the tub.

I let my feet soak in the water for a while then i scrubbed my feet clean then took a towel and wiped my feet dry.

I walked back to the room and slid some socks on and put on one of the shoes i just bought.

"Ahh comfy" i smiled

I heard laughing behind me

I looked to see Markus and laughed

"What I'm serious i missed my sneakers"

He shook his head

"I guess"

I laid in bed with my shoes and Markus for a while then i looked outside the window and it was dark.

Shit time passed by fast

"Oo can we go out and i drive" i said

"Yeah sure " he laughed

"Okay get dressed" i said

"Now? "

"Well duhh" i said patting his head

He shook his head and went in the closet, i followed after him.

I picked out this cute little girly out fit that i thought was cute asf and would go good together.

I went in the restroom and put some makeup on and fixed my hair nice since i decided to take my weave out.

Don't get me wrong i have a head full of long beautiful hair i just choose to cover it up.

When i finished i walked out and put on the outfit.

I looked in the mirror and i was looking cute asf.

I took my phone out and took some pictures in the mirror. Then Markus came in behind me and we took some too, then we took a few selfies.

Before i left the room i sprayed my self with some perfume then walked out.

"You look good bae, i like you girly"

"Thank you" i laughed "You look good too"

"You finally let your hair breath" he said touching my hair

"Im used to my long black weave that's all but imma leave my hair out for a while then im finna put the weave back in but get something different, but ion know what color im getting yet" i said

"I wanna see you try something new" he said

"Well you'll see soon enough"

"I know"

"I'll be back guys" i said

"Okay, bring us some food" Darren said


I went in the garage and grabbed the keys to my baby unlocked the door and opened the garage and backed out.

I drove to the end of the street stopped at the stop sign and looked at Markus.

"Where you wanna go?" i asked

"I don't know, we should go to the movies and then go eat after"

"Sounds like a plan" i said looking both ways before i turned left towards all the stores and everything else.

In a good 15 minutes i parked in front of the building.

I parked the car and grabbed my bag.

We got out the car and walked hand in hand into the movie theater.

We bought tickets to watch The Legend Of Tarzan.

We bought some candy and drinks and found the theater the movie was playing in.

"This movie better be good" Markus said

"It will be, who doesn't like Tarzan" i said

"Ion even know who Tarzan is" he said as we walked up the ramp behind the wall to get to the seats

My face dropped and i stopped in my tracks.

He turned around when he noticed i wasn't next to him.

"What? "

"Are you serious?" i asked in shock

"Yeah, whats so good about Tarzan anyway" he said

"What you mean whats so good about Tarzan, Tarzan was the best cartoon movie you could ever watch as a kid. Tarzan was the best" I said as we began walking again


"I can't believe you" i said shaking my head "As soon as we get home we watching Tarzan"

"It's not that serious bae" he said

"Not that serious? You missed out on one of the best Disney kid movies ever" I said

"Okay when we get home we'll see how "Good" this Tarzan cartoon movie is"

"Okay, now be quiet the movie finna start" i said looking at the screen.

He chuckled and shook his head. He put his arm around me and kissed the corner of my lips.

These are the moments i love with my baby.




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