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Kijani Cebra | Jani

Markus walked over to me and grabbed me.

"Were leaving" he said

I waited till we got outside and snatched away from him.

"Don't fuckin touch me"

"What's your problem?" he asked

I didn't say nothing i just walked to the car.

I waited by the passenger side and waited for him to unlock the door.

He opened it and i got in the car, ion wanna here no bullshit right now cause if i get mad right now no one better be near me.

He started the car and began talking

"What's your problem Jani?"

I looked out the window while my legs shook.

I feel mad disrespected his black ugly ass gonna take the last possible minute to fuckin stand up for me when she called me a biitch before anything else and its a shame his ass is asking me what he did wrong when he should know. If he wasn't my nigga i would slap the fuck outta his ass.

I shook my head and he touced me.

"What the fuck did i tell you! Don't fuckin touch me"

"I didn't even do nothing, why the fuck you mad"

"I swear to god Ja'Markus if you dont shut the fuck up i will walk my ass home!" I yelled annoyed

He gripped the steering wheel and drove fast to the house.

When we finally there i got out and he quickly came out after me.

He snatched me up

"What the fuck is your problem!" he yelled almost scaring me

key word almost

"Let me go i cant fucking stand you" i said snachimg way from his biitch ass

I stormed inside past everyone and he was right on my tail.

I tried to slam the door on him but he stopped it and walked in and closed the door.

"You really getting on my damn nerves!"

"How the fuck you think i feel after i done told you to shut the fuck up already!" i rolled my eyes

"Roll your eyes again" he dared

I did and he got in my face my hood mode came on and i punched his ass and he looked at me with angry eyes.

"What you finna do hurt me again" i said hitting him again

He didn't say nothing

"Answer me!" i yelled punching him again

I continued to hit him and he grabbed my hands and shook me

"Yo who the fuck you hitting!" he yelled annoyed

"I hate you"

The boys busted into the room and grabbed me from him and pulled me out the room.

The boys went and talked to him and the girls came to me.

Oo i cant stand him

"Why the hell yall fighting?" Sasha asked

"Cause he let this biitch call me a biitch and and stood up for me at the last possible minute" i said

"Uh uh wait a minute i need to go talk to his ass" Alizee said

"Wait, not so fast what all happened" Chantal said

I explained everything then Chantal spoke up.

"Markus is wrong for that and i would have done the same thing but why the fuck you putting your hands on him for. You should know to never put your hands on a nigga cause niggas are stronger than females and he could have fucked you up if he hit woman and he would gave got tag teamed by Martin, Nick And Darren"

"It's true" Sasha agreed

"Especially if you love the person and want them to tay with you" Alizee added

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

I walked out the room and saw markus was getting into bed. I was still mad at his ugly ass so i went in the bathroom and took the make up off my face then washed it. I stripped out of my clothes and put on some regular pajamas then got into bed i turned my back towards Ja'Markus and closed my eyes

Fuck him 😒


I guess that not on speaking terms 🙊😶



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