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Kijani Cebra| Jani

I woke up this morning and turned to my side and Markus wasn't there, i frowend then stretched.

Where the fuck is he? He never leaves me early he hasn't left since i got pregnant.

Im pretty sure he'll be here soon.

I went to the restroom and did my hygiene stuff. When i finished i stepped out and looked for some clothes to put on.

I couldnt help but feel like something that i won't like happened but i can'ty finger on it.

I walked down stairs and mircowaved the rest of my food from waffle house.

Chantel walked in

"Good morning"

"Good morning you seen Markus?" i asked

She frowned and i began to look confused.

"Jani you broke up with him yesterday and you kicked him out."

I gasped

"What the fuck!"

"You don't remember?"

"Hell no, i dont remeber i would have slapped my own self for even attempting to brake up with him.

"Why didnt you guys stop me?"

"We were all the way on the otherside of the house. And before we could stop Markus he was already gone."

I sat on the stool and thought to myself...... What the fuck did i do

"Damn I need to go call him its these stupid ass hormones. Why did he leave" i said blinking back tears

I ran upstairs as fast as possible and quickly grabbed my phone.

I scrolled to Markus's contact which read

My Forever 💏🙌😍

I called him and the phone just kept ringing. I hung up and called again and it did the same i called so many times that i got sent to voice mail.

Tears began to run down my face. I hope he forgives me. I didn't mean what ever i said yesterday.

I called again and like i thought it went to voicemail. I left him a nessege telling him i need to talk to him.

I sat in the room for hours and Chantal would come in the room asking me if i needed anything and the answer was always no.

I really dont feel right without my baby.

I felt like hours pasted but it was only like a good 45 minutes... Damn what the fuck did i say to him!

Tears began to roll down my face and i just couldn't help but cry the person i love the most is not talking to me. He can't leave me. 

I grabbed my phone and texted him

My Forever 💏🙌😍: Baby?

I closed the phone and waited for him to text back but he never did.

I shut my eyes real tight and shook my head. This can't be fucking happening.

Not caring what i had on i grabbed my keys and went downstairs.  I didn't tell anyone i left because i know they wouldn't let me go. I got in the car and drove to Jay's house. 

I sat in my car and texted chantal telling her i came here.

I got out the car and knocked on the door.

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