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Kijani Cebra | Jani

I woke up this morning and markus was gone. I stretched on the bed then i sat up throwing my feet off the bed. I looked on the counter and there was a note on it it said:

Good Morning baby, i woke up nice and early to get this job done so i can come home as soon as possible. I made you and nay some breakfast it's down stairs, i might be cold by now but i hope you enjoy it. I love you bae 😘

- Markus💕

"I love you too" i said lowly

I stood up went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When i finished and went to Janay's room. She was in her bed sleeping.

"Wake up!" i yelled in her ear

She jumped so hard it was so funny to the point where I couldn't even laugh.
"Jani you play to much" she said annoyed

"I want you to wake up" i said

"I don't want to wake up" she said

"Come on, Markus made breakfast for us" i said

She sat up

"Why can't you let me sleep? First you keep me up, now you waking me up" she said

I made a confused face

"Keep you up? What you mean i kept you up i was in the room with Mark..... Ohh never mind" i laughed a little "My bad"

"You straight, so where did your daddy go?" she asked

I kissed my teeth

"Mane you playing, and he went to work" i said

"Anyways where does he work?" she asked

"He's a detective" i said telling half of the truth

"Ok okay speaking of jobs where do you work? You got this big ass house plus an apartment, you have these nice ass expensive clothes and shoes. You'd have to be rich in order to have all this money" she said

"Well i work in a well known business and i worked my way to the top to get more jobs and more money so i can get to where i am now" i said

"That's nice, you need to introduce me to that business and teach me" she said

"Noooo, you don't wanna be in the field im in too many fake people" i said as she brushed her teeth in the bathroom

"Well as long as im getting money" she said

"Naw you straight on that job" i said

"I guess" she said as she finished brushing her teeth

"Well let's go so we can see what Markus made for us" i said

She finished brushing he teeth and we walked down stairs.

We walked in the kitchen and saw pancakes, eggs, and sausages.

I put them in the microwave one by one to heat them up. By the time i was finished Janay came into the kitchen and sat on the table. I put all the food in the middle of the table and got some juice and put it on the table along with two cups. I got two plates and put them on the table. We said grace and began to eat.

We ate in silence and it was getting weird

"You going to school today?" i asked her

"Yes but can i stay home today please it's Friday " she said

"Oh dang i ain't even know it" i said

"Nelle" Janay said


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