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One month later

Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner!" Markus yelled

"I didn't trust you!  I told you i had trust issues!" i yelled back

"So you are just now trusting me?" he asked

"Yeah like last week, that's when you showed me i could trust you" i replied

"Then why didn't you tell me then?" he pushed

"Because i wasn't ready! Why does it even really matter to you anyways your dating me Kijani not Jani. C the ruthless drug dealer the ruthless girl that will kill what ever gets in her way. That will rip the roof off your house if you fuck with her. Is that the person you wanna date?  Huh? "

"All i know is that you not doing that shit no more" he said

"What the fuck! Fuck you, your trying to take me away from the thing that made me! After my mom died my step father took my brothers and sisters away from me and left me on the streets by my self.  I was only 16! Even my full blood brother doesn't talk to me. The only person i consider family is Ken, I had nobody, I was sleeping on the streets, I hated that shit so i went to the only thing that i could turn to, dealing all i know damn well i wasn't finna be a prostitute and sell my body or be a stripper and dance half naked. So i became a drug dealer and look where its gotten me, you're telling me to do something that i won't do. You really got me fucked up, the game is my life" i cried

"Come on jani stop crying" he said in a soft voice pulling me into a hug

I pushed him off of me

"No get off of me!" i said

He let me go and looked at me with sorrow but with anger.

I looked at him the same way just more intense

"If you think I'm finna leave the game you really really go me fucked up" i said wiping my face

"Why? Why do you do this?" he asked

"I just told you" i said clearly frustrated

"What if you die, what if something happens to you what if you go to jail how do you think that will make me feel, how would Ken and Janay feel?" he said

"I do what i want last time i fuckin checked you didn't help me when i was in the damn streets and ain't have shit" i said

He frowned

"Really Kijani" i said

"Yeah really, nobody ever helped my ass, i don't need no one telling me what i can and can't do no one has earned the right" i said

"You always do that i really hate when you do that shit" he said

"And i hate that you always ask questions you know i hate that shit" i retorted

He sighed

"You know what i don't have time for this I'm going home" i got up and left the house

About know I'm tired of him this is the fuckin reason i didn't tell he when i first started to trust him. I knew he was finna act like that his bitch ass make me mad.

I got in the car and drove straight home. When i got home i got out and went straight to my room. 

I don't feel like talking to nobody.

Ken came in the room.

"Jani?" he said

i ignored him

"Jani you okay? " he said

"Ken i don't feel like talking now just leave me alone"

"Okay come to me when you wanna talk" he said

I just stared at the wall.

Times like this i really miss my mom.

Ughh i fuckin hate this shit Ja'Markus is a fuckin bitch.


Please excuse the mistakes

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