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Kijani Cebra | Jani

"Ugh ion wanna goo" I whined

I laid back in my bed as Markus tried to get me up to go to this appointment to finally take this cast off my leg just to get my foot wrapped again and this big ass fuckin boot on it.

"You have too now get up baby" he said kissing my lips

"Umm no" i said

"Okay when your leg get fucked up you gonna be mad and try to sue cause you got a shriveled up leg" he said turning around

"Ok ok I'll get up" i said sitting up

"Thank you" he said

He walked to the closet and go me some cargos and a purple shirt and my all black low top converse.

He took off my clothes and put these new ones on cause i took a shower earlier this morning .

When he finished he put on some clothes

"Baby come here" i said

He walked over to me

"Yes" he said

"Give me some sugar" i said poking my lips out

He smiled and kissed me

"Thank you" i smiled pecking his lips repeatedly

"No problem bae, we been together for almost 2 years, you can just take it" he said

"I know i just wanted to ask you for some sugar" i laughed a little

"Come on" he said

He helped me up

"Baby can i go down the stairs by my self today?" i asked

"Yeah Just don't hurt yourself" he said


He walked me to the stairs and went down first.

I sat on the first step and slid down each step till i got to the last one

"Really" he laughed

"Yeah, it was fun too" i said as he helped me into the wheelchair

"I'll be back guys" I yelled so they could hear

"Okay" Alizee yelled from the kitchen

Markus helped me in the car and put the wheel chair in the back. Pretty soon i won't need this bougie ass wheelchair.

I can't wait to get rid of that shit.

He got in the car and drove us to the hospital.

We waited in the waiting room till it was my turn.

"Bae I really don't wanna put this big ass boot on" I said

"But you have to now don't be a baby" he said kissing my hand

"I guess"

"Kijani Cebra " the docter i usually go to said

Markus got up and pushed me into the room.

"Okay so how you doing Ms. Cebra?" he asked

"Im good Dr. Pascal" i said as Markus helped me on the bed

"That's good your ankle giving you any problems?"

"No but when i put pressure on it it hurts" i said

"Okay, im gonna take the cast off and wrap your still sprained ankle, then put the walking boot on it so you can walk with out it hurting you" he said

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