
257 11 3

Kijani Cebra | Jani

Part 1:

When i woke up the next morning i was the same way i went to sleep. Im surprised, i was still naked i would have thought Markus would put some clothes on me.

I layed there with the covers around me just looking at the ceiling.

I finally stretched and sat up.

Markus wasn't here so i assumed he was either in the bathroom or down stairs watching tv down stairs.

I got up and went to the bathroom i took the my tooth brush and brushed my teeth real good then rinsed my mouth and washed my face.

I walked to my phone and checked the time and it was 2:45 p.m. damn i woke up late as fuck considering the fact that i went to sleep real early last night.

I took my towel and took a nice shower when i came out i put one a bra and pantie. I lotioned myself down and went to the closet and found something cute to wear.

I finally decided to wear a dress and some sandals so i can go out to shop for the house later.

It was cute on me but i still feel weird wearing this dress but i like it

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It was cute on me but i still feel weird wearing this dress but i like it.

I walked to the counter and sprayed on some perfume on and i put on some light make up. Since i washed my hair in the shower when it dried it was curly. I brushed it and gelled it down then put the end in a cute little curly low pony tail.

I put my hat on then took some pictures in the full mirror then i grabbed my phone and sat on the bed cayse i was tired.

It was 3 almost 4 and i was finna go downstairs and get something to eat so i can go bother my baby.

Before i could get up markus walked into the room and when he saw me his face lit up with a smile.

"Hey baby girl"

"Hey babe where were you?" i asked with a smile

"I was downstairs for most of the time but i figured you'll be awake in a while so went out and bought you some food"  he said lifting the bag of Buffalo Wild Wings.

"Awe you brought me food" i smiled

"Of course i did, why wouldn't i buy food for my baby" he said while he got his food from the bag and put it aside.

"Awe well thank you i really appreciate it" i smiled

"You're welcome, you look beautiful"

He kissed me and pulled away smiled then pecked my lips. 

I smiled and took out my food

I opened a box and took a bite out of my honey barbecue chicken and moaned

"Its soo good" i smiled

He laughed

I opened another box and ate some fries. There was two other boxes and i opened them just to see what they were.

One had popcorn shrimp and another had a burger. I looked at Markus

"Is all that for me?"

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing im just so happy you bought me soo much food" I said

"You know whats so funny your eyes just lit up" he laughed

"This is food after this precious baby and sex this is the best thing you could give me" i said eating some more of my chicken

He laughed

"I know i be giving it to you right" he said winking at me

I just looked down and continued to eat my food because i cant complain and he's right.

"Oop so im right you aint protest or nothing" he smiled

"Because it's true" i blushed

"Awe shit" he said getting happy

"Dont get cocky now" i laughed

"It's okay i won't"

We were eating and telling jokes laughing at random shit.

I love spending time with him it makes me feel so warm and happy.

I ate till the baby didn't want anymore food.

I closed the boxes and put them back in the bag i laid back and let out a loud breath.

Markus put the bag to the side then he came closer to me and began to rub my stomach.

I closed my eye's because i was beginning to get sleepy.

"Uhuh baby we gotta get up and go shopping for the house because im getting sleepy and this needs to get done."

"Okay" he said kissing on me

"Baby stop" i whined

He didnt listen he just continued

"Baby" i moaned

"Yeah" he said getting closer to my breast

"Get up cause.... If we dont... We not finna.. Leave.. This bed" i said as i lost my breath

I began to sit up but i got weak

"Markus" i whined

"Yes" he said pulling my dress up and my panties down

"No" i said putting my legs together

"You not finna let daddy have dessert?" he asked

I moaned and shook my head as he opened my legs and kissed the inside of my thighs

"Why what i do to you?" he smirked

I didnt say anything

"So you finna let me have my dessert?" he asked again

I just gave up and let him have what he wanted he hasn't had any in a while anyway.

He began to lick away and my breath hitched then i let out a moan. I took in a deep breath and he sucked on my pearl. I pushed his head down as he went ate away.

"Yes don't stop " i moaned

He stuck two fingers in and i began to lose it. My legs are shaking and im loving every moment of this.

"Whats my name?" he asked

"Daddy!" i moaned in pleasure

I came everywhere and he licked everything up.

He continued to eat but i tried to pull away because i couldnt take it any more but he pulled me back by my thighs and held my waist as he did it.

I screamed out in pleasure and it just kept getting better and better.

When i came again he finally stopped

He turned on his back and we let out a loud breath.

"Now its your turn" i said with a smirk making him sit up and getting on my knees

I pulled down his pants and went to work.




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