
752 19 3


Kijani Cebra| Jani

I didn't sleep at all last night.  I couldn't,  it hurt too much to know that ken is not my best friend any more.

I'm so hurt it makes no sense after my mom, ken was like my closet family. It's kind of like a mild version of me losing my mom all over again this is the second worst feeling ever.

Markus began to move in the bed so i hurried up and acted like i was sleep.

He moved in the bed for a while then he sat up he kissed my forehead then my cheek.

"Bae...." He wispered in my ears

I moved a round a little like i was trying to get the sleep off of me.  Then i opened my eyes. 

I smiled at him but he frowned.

"What?" I asked

"You look horrible baby did you sleep at all?"  He asked

I was going to lie but i decided against it.

"No" i said with my head low

"You should have gotten some sleep" he said

"I couldn't i was to upset to sleep" he said

He looked at me and sighed

"You were crying too weren't you?" He said

"Yes" i said he brought me into a tight comforting hug that mad me feel kind of better.

But when he let go i felt like shit all over again.

"It's okay baby it will get better one day" he said kissing my lips softly

I nodded my head as tears slid down my face from thinking about ken.

He kissed my tears away.

"It will get better" he whispered

I sat in his arms for while.

I got up and went to the bathroom with a towel while i put my hair in a high sloppy bun. 

I looked in the mirror and was shocked at what i saw.

My eyes were so red, and low and it looked like some one punched me on both of my eyes.  My face is discolored from not drinking or eating since the day i was at the mall with ken. 

Ken has me stressing mad hard man.

I touched my face then took the tooth brush and put some tooth paste to brush my teeth. When i finished i took my shower and got out.

I went in the closet put on some black leggings,  a army green tee and then took a black oversized cardigan and put it to the side along with my army green timbs.

I went downstairs and made some toast and scrambled eggs.

I took out Markus's food and then mine i put it on the table. Markus came down ass soon as i put the food on the table.

I got two cups put orange juice for me and apple for Markus since he dont like orange juice then put them on the table

I sat down then he said grace.  I ate most of my food then, washed the dishes in the sink. 

"Bae when you're done put the plate  next to me" i said

He nodded his head and did as told.

He went back up stairs as i washed the dishes.  When i finished i went up stairs but i didn't go to the room.  I went to Kens old room. 

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