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I think too much like a nigga I'm just the female version.

- A

Kijani Cebra | Jani

When i got to the address, i parked my car closed it and slipped my heels on. When i finished i grabbed my phone and put it in my hand bag.

I walked up to the front of the restaurant and he was standing outside by the door.

"You look very beautiful" he smiled

"Thank you your not to bad your self" i said

"Let's go in" he said holding his arm out.

I linked my arm with his and we went in.

"Hello how can i help you this evening" the man said

"I have a Reservation for Ja' Markus Green" he said.

"Ah right this way sir" he said and we walked to our seats in the nice fancy restaurant.

He placed the menu's in front of us and fixed the table.

"We'll be right with you sir"

"okay thank you sir" Ja' Markus said

The man walked away then he turned to me with a nice smile on his face.

I just gave him a blank stare.

"Why you always have the mean look?" he asked

"Ion know" i said

"Beautiful women like you shouldn't be frowning all the time" he said

"i frown a lot its a thing i always do" i said

"Not good your face it can stay looking mean forever" he said

"i guess its gonna look mean forever" i said

"So tell me dippy what's your real name" he said changing the subject

"It's Kijani" i said

"Oh beautiful name, it suits you" he said

"Thank you" i said blankly

" Why are you acting like this?" he asked

" Acting like what?" I asked

" Like you got somewhere better to be, like I didn't ask you to go on a date with me so that we can get to know each other" he said

" You the one who wanted this I didn't. You want to do this you the one who said you wanted to "make it up" to me" I said

" If you really didn't want to come you would have declined, you didn't have to come but you did so that means you wanted to be here" he said

" Okay so, you don't know what made come here" i said

" Stop putting on a front" he said

" I'm not putting up no damn front fuck you mean" i said

" As long as you with me there is no cussing " he said sternly

" I do what I want I don't take orders from nobody" i said

" What's your problem I bring you out to a nice restaurant to eat I spend my money I try to spend some time with you and get to know you but you're pushing me away you act like you don't want to know me what's up with that?" he said getting upset

" Look ion want to come off looking rude or anything I just don't trust no nigga's" i said nonchalantly

" I understand that but I'm not a nigga, I'm a man" he said in all seriousness

I smiled at that, he's first guy i talked to who was ever serious with me.

" Okay prove it" i said

He smiled

"Okay let's start by having a nice dinner and getting to know each other" he said

They waiter came back and we ordered our food and ordered drinks. Shortly after the waiter came back with our food and drinks.

We talked a lot tonight I learned a lot about him. He's so different from the other guys, unique.

When we finished our dinner we got dessert.

After a while we walked out the restaurant laughing from a joke he made.

It got quiet.

He walked me to my car and I unlocked the door.

" I had a nice night with you tonight we should do it again" he said

" I would like that" I said.

" Call me when you get home so I can know you made it home safely" he said

" Okay"

"Bye Kijani" he said then he kissed my cheek.

"Bye Ja'Markus" i smiled sitting in the car.

He closed the door for me then i took my heels off started the car then drove home.

When i got home everyone was sleeping. So i took my clothes of washed my face and put on some sleeping clothes.

When i got in my bed picked up the phone and called him


"Hey I'm home" i said

"Okay i just wanted make sure my girl got home safe." his soft voice said through the phone

"Your girl?" i said

"Yeah my girl" he said

I just laughed

"I don't recall" i said

"You will be soon enough" he said

"Come see me tomorrow" he said

"Where? " i asked

"The park it should be some nice weather outside that we can enjoy" he said

"Okay I'll be there at 2:00" i said not for too long though i have some stuff to do" i said


"Good night I'll see you tomorrow" i said

"Good night" he said

When i hung up i went straight sleep.


Boring chapter but

Ja'Markus in the mm

Excuse the mistakes

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