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Kijani Cebra |Jani

We finally finished up baby Ki'Niah room and I honestly like it. Its so cute 😍

This light pink and gray looks nice together

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This light pink and gray looks nice together.

Kentrell's  court date is in a few days and I really wanna be there for him and Raye but its the week that I'm due so this baby can come out at anytime I just hope its not on his court date or the day before.

Its sad her godfather may not be there when she is born. I just hope he is because it would be really special to me.

But anyways we are not having a baby show because we honestly don't need one and we don't have no friends so you know.

If they wanna go out to celebrate then yeah we can but we don't need a baby shower.

"Bae the room is so girly" Markus said

"And it's so cute"

"I don't think that the many is gonna be a girly girl your not even one so why did you pick this color" he said touching the light pink curtains

"Because these colors are cute together and when she gets older if she doesn't like it we can repaint the room how ever she wants it and everything will be fine but for now she's not complaining so we good" I said

He nodded

"So what you think about God parents?"

"I was thinking you pick the god mother and I pick the god father"  I said


"I was thinking Kentrell should be the God Father because that's my best friend and even though he did me wrong and he probably won't be there when I'm having Ki'Niah I feel like he would be the best fitting parent" I said

"Okay, I was thinking that Chantal should be the god mother because she has been good to me and has given me great advice. She has basically been a good friend/ soon to be sister in law."

"Okay then its set Chantal and Kentrell are the god parents of he Ki'Niah"

"So when do we tell them?" He asked

"The day she's born"

"Fine by me"

"Okay, so what we doing today? "

"We gonna finish arranging her room like putting stuff in cabinets and buy stuff we forgot so I can finish with the room and get it over with"

"Okay let's start with the closet"

We put all of her clothes in the hanger and hung them up in the closet.  We organized her shoes and put socks in a cabinet he blankets in a cabinet we put her bibs in a container buy her changing station.

We organized everything nice and pretty for her when she comes.


Sorry its a really short chapter. I think the rest of the chapters are gonna be like this.



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