Chapter 10

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Allie's POV

We got into my car and started going home. It was really quiet the first 5 minutes of the drive until Bianca broke the silence.

"Allie?," Bianca asked.

"Yeah what's up?," I responded. She sounded upset.

She smiled and said, "I'm really happy for you."

I felt so bad when she said that, but she didn't even know what was going to happen. "Thanks," I responded, "I have a surprise for you later, you'll know it when you see it."

"Ok?" She said really confused.

When we got home I told my mom everything that had just happened and she was so happy for me.

"We need to get ready for our dates mom," I said to her.

"Dates?," Bianca asked confused. I just laughed thinking she would forget about it.

When we got to my room, there were a couple choices of dresses. I decided to go with a tight black dress that had 3-fingered tank top kind of straps.

Bianca scanned my closet for what seemed like hours. She finally decided to go with purple dress that was strapless. She looked so pretty! Cameron was going to be in love with her.

Johnson's POV

I got to the hotel where Cameron told me to meet him. I walked in and Cameron was in the lobby.

"Hey man," I said.

"Yooo," He said. We did a handshake and then he went to go tell the person at the front desk that he was leaving.

"You ready man?," I asked him.

He looked at the ground, "Yeah, I'm really nervous dude. I haven't been on a date in like forever."

"Don't be dude. She really likes you," I replied, "And you look pretty good tonight."

He laughed and said, "You too man."

Me and Cameron were both in suits, I was so excited to see how beautiful Allie looked.

I texted her for her address and she replied instantly. I put it into my GPS and texted her back.

Be there soon "babe"😉

"So what's your girl like?," Cameron asked me.

I smiled, "Dude you wouldn't believe me if I told you. She's breathtaking. Honestly I think she might be the one. She's so caring and she just makes everyone around her so happy. She puts everyone else before herself and she makes everything fun." I started blushing, "I love her man."

Cameron looked at me with a smirk, "Dude, get it!," He said. I laughed. "What's my girl like?," Cameron asked.

I thought about it for a moment because I wanted to describe her in the same way I described Allie. I finally said, "Well, she's pretty, she's super cool, Gilinsky thinks she's awesome, like he even gave her his number."

Cameron laughed and joked, "Seems like she's the one for me." I laughed.

We got to Allie's house. Cam and I both got flowers for our girls. I quickly shot a text to Allie.

What color are you guys wearing?😍

She replied fairly quickly.

I'm wearing black and Bianca's wearing purple☺️

I gave Cameron the purple tie I had in the back seat of the car and I took the white one. We put them on and started walking to the door.

Cameron's POV

We got to the door and I was really nervous to see what Bianca looked like. From what Johnson said, she sounds beautiful.

Someone's mom came to the door and I'm guessing that it was Allie's mom. She greeted us so nicely and let us in.

"So you must be Johnson and you're Cameron," she said getting it right.

"Yeah," I smiled.

Johnson smiled at her and said, "Your daughters beautiful and she's in really good hands, don't worry about her."

She laughed and said, "I'm not worried about her, I trust you. She really seems like she likes you Jack." That made him smile. "GIRLS THEY'RE HERE," her mom screamed.

They came downstairs and my jaw dropped. Bianca was more beautiful than Johnson had described.

"You might catch flies," Johnson said laughing. I was embarrassed.

Johnson's POV

"Babe you look beautiful," I said covering my mouth. I kissed her and then held her hand.

"Hey I'm Cameron," Cameron said smiling at Bianca.

Bianca stood there frozen, "I'm.... Bianca," she said with a long pause in between.

Cameron smiled and said, "You look gorgeous."

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself," She said and started blushing.

"Ok lovebirds we need to get going," Allie said laughing. I had to laugh too because that was a good one after hearing Bianca say that to us 10 times.

I held open the door for everyone and we got into my car. "Gilinsky and Madison are meeting us at the restaurant," I said. Everyone nodded.

Allie and I sat in the front while Cameron and Bianca were in the back. Cameron held the door open for Bianca, I'm guessing he really liked her. This was all going to work out.

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