Chapter 38

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Allie's POV

Today was our last day in Texas. Alexis and Nate were kind of a thing now and her parents were okay with her joining us on tour.

I laid in bed in Jack's arms. He was sleeping while I was scrolling on my phone. I posted a picture of him on Snapchat and had my sound on so he woke up once he heard the camera click.

"What are you doing," he said grabbing my phone from my hands and put it down his pants.

I got up panicking. "JACK GIVE IT BACK," I screamed.

"Nope. You have to go in there and get it," he said smirking.

I got up and said, "Jack Edward Johnson if you do not give me my phone back I am walking out of here and never talking to you again."

"Do it," he said still smirking.

If he wanted to play dirty, I was going to play dirty.

I got up and walked out of the room. To piss him off I walked to where Mason and Zach were hanging out.

"Hey guys," I said leaning on the doorframe.

Mason paused the game and looked up at me smiling. "Hey shorty," he said.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. "What are you guys playing?," I asked.

"Just a game, hey I want to show you something," Mason said.

"Okay," I said.

He took me to the room next to ours which was an empty room. There was a balcony there.

"C'mon," he said grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the balcony. I followed him.

I looked at the view. "Oh my god Mason. This is beautiful," I said admiring the sunset.

"So are you," Mason said whispering and smirked.

Before I knew it he grabbed me. I screamed for him to let go of me, but he wouldn't. He kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. I closed my eyes and starting crying trying to pull him away. He was pushed off of me.

"Don't ever fucking touch her again! Do you fucking here me?!," Jack screamed. "C'mon Allie we're leaving." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to our room.

"Jack let go you're hurting me," I said crying. He let go and picked me up bridal style.

He laid me on the bed and said, "I'm packing. Go to sleep."

"Jack I'm not-," he cut me off. "I said go to sleep." I did as he said. Why did he get so mad at me?

Johnson's POV

Mason just fucking kissed Allie. Who the fuck does he think he is? This is my girl. My fucking girl. I don't understand why everyone wants her.

I started packing her clothes and then packed mine. We had 20 minutes before we left so I was rushing just a little bit.

I had no idea what makeup was what and where it even went so I kind of just threw it in the bag.

At 8:00 our bodyguards came inside our room and took our bags to load them onto the tour bus. Allie was still sleeping and I didn't feel like waking her up so I picked her up bridal style and she held onto me.

"Where are we going," she said opening her eyes slowly.

I looked down at her and smiled. "Hey cutie," I said.

"Hey," she said in a sleepy voice. "Where are we going?"

I walked down the stairs and once I reached the bottom step I said, "We're leaving the tour bus is here."

"Okay," Allie said smiling while putting her head into my chest. I smiled.

We all thanked Allie's family and Allie was awake for a little bit of that, but dozed off in the middle of it.

We got on the tour bus and were on our way back to LA because our next date wasn't for another two weeks.

Allie's POV

When I woke up Jack wasn't next to me. In fact no one was on the bus except for me and Noah.

"Hey where is everybody," I asked.

He yawned and said, "The bus is pulled over at a diner and everyone's getting food. They're eating on the bus so Jack's going to bring you something." I nodded my head yawning too.

Noah and I were talking when the guys all came onto the bus. Jack still wasn't on the bus, but everyone else was.

After five minutes, I decided to go into the diner to see what was taking so long. I walked in scanning the room for Jack. I couldn't find him.

I was walking out when I saw these two people making out. "Gross," I said to myself. I looked closer at who it was and it was Jack with some random girl.

Tears started to fill my eyes as he looked up. I ran out of the building and onto the tour bus.

"ALLIE WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN," Jack said running after me.

"Save it," I said angrily. "I'm done with your tours. I'm done with your shows. I'm done with your games. I'm done with your lies. I'm done with you. Don't you ever speak to me again. I never want to hear from you."

He started crying. "Allie wait plea-," I cut him off.

"I'm done Jack. I'm so done," I said before he pressed his lips onto mine. I didn't kiss back. All I did was pull away and the next thing I knew my hand had met his face. I just slapped Jack. He just stared at me and I did the same with him.

Tears started forming in both of our eyes. I couldn't even stand looking at him. I just walked away leaving him to cry.

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