Chapter 11

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Johnson's POV

I pulled up to the restaurant and just sat in the car looking at Allie. She smiled and looked down. "You shouldn't be insecure, you look absolutely beautiful." She just looked up and smiled at me.

I walked out of the car and opened the door for Allie and Cameron did the same for Bianca. I gave the man outside the restaurant my keys so that he could park my car. I tipped him $20 and said, "I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world tonight, expect more of that," and gave Allie a big kiss.

We walked inside and I saw Gilinsky and Madison walk in right after us. "Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," Gilinsky said smiling.

We all introduced each other and walked up to the man that was letting people in. "Reservations for Johnson, Gilinsky, and Dallas."

He nodded his head and said, "Right this way."

We walked in and the restaurant was beautiful. I saw all the guys just staring at their girls from the corner of my eyes while the girls were shocked at how pretty the place looked. We were all meant to be.

We pulled out the chairs for our girls and then sat down. We had a great conversation. Everyone ordered their drinks.

Johnson - Coke
Gilinsky - Mountain Dew
Cameron - Fanta
Allie - Water
Madison - Sprite
Bianca - Raspberry Iced Tea

We talked some more about ourselves and everything Allie said about herself was amazing. I can't stop looking at her and probably looked like a fool right now.

Allie's POV

Johnson kept looking at me. I didn't know if I should say something. "What?," I said in a sassy tone. He looked so upset and stared at his lap.

"Oh uh I'm sorry I um I-," I had to cut him off.

"I'm playing," I lifted his head and looked at him, "I don't think it's weird, I think it's cute," and then I kissed him. He smiled. He made me happy.

The waiter came back to take our orders. We all thought about it and finally spoke.

Johnson - Steak
Gilinsky - Spaghetti
Cameron - Hamburger
Allie - Chicken
Madison - Tomato Soup
Bianca - Mac and Cheese

He also asked us if we wanted any sides.

Johnson - Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Gilinsky - Garlic Bread
Cameron - French Fries
Allie - Mashed Potatoes
Madison - Crackers
Bianca - Mashed Potatoes

Bianca's POV

Cameron was really nice to talk to. He welcomed me in and not a lot of people do. His presence was very comforting. He asked me about myself more than me being able to ask about him. After a while, we traded numbers and I was really happy. Allie was a great friend for doing this for me. I loved her.

Cameron's POV

Bianca was the coolest girl ever! She was just stunning and she had the nicest smile ever. I loved the way she laughed and looked away from me when she felt insecure. She was perfect. I couldn't ever repay Johnson for this. I loved being with her.

Gilinsky's POV

Madison and I go on dates a lot, but something about this one was special. Being with our friends wasn't as awkward and I thought it was going to be. She was beautiful. I loved her and I was so glad me and her have been together for a long time. We needed to go on dates like this more often.

Madison's POV

Jack took me to this beautiful restaurant that I couldn't even imagine ever coming to. Most of our dates were just at home. We would order food and lay on the couch and watch a movie or two. Sometimes we'd go out to eat, but it was more of a fast food place rather than something fancy. Everyone here was super cool too! I liked this. Sitting across from him and holding his hand made me feel like we really connecting something we didn't before. Jack and I did have a connection before, but not like this.

Johnson's POV

We all got our food and now it was time for dessert. The one thing everyone knew they were saving room for. We all ordered and couldn't wait to dig in.

Johnson - Chocolate Fudge Brownie with Whipped Cream and Vanilla Ice Cream
Gilinsky - Vanilla Milkshake
Cameron - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Allie - Black Forest Cake
Madison - Chocolate Ice Cream with a side of strawberries
Bianca - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake

I tried to sneak in a bite of Allie's cake and actually did it. She gave me a death stare. I smirked at her and said, "Hey, if you want it back you're going to have to go in my mouth and get it."

"I would, but not to kiss you, I just want my food back Johnson," she said making both of us laugh.

We were all done eating and fought for about 20 minutes with the girls for who would pay for the bill. What type of guy let's a girl pay for the food on their date? Not a good one.

I snuck in my money while everyone was fighting and quickly handed it to the waiter. I gave him a $100 tip because he worked hard to keep my girl and my friend's girls happy. He thanked me a million times and honestly didn't even need to.

Everyone soon realized I paid for the food and they were a little annoyed, but that's what they get for fighting.

We all walked outside and I asked the guy to get my car back. I gave him another $20 tip. Madison and Gilinsky went their separate ways because they hadn't come with us and Gilinsky had to take Madison back to her hotel room, or should I say their.

Cameron and I both opened the door for our girls and then sat down ourselves. We turned on the radio to mine and Gilinsky's music and the first song that came on was Flights. I smiled at Allie and held her hand. I kissed it and then smiled back at her.

"Hey this is our song you know," I said to her smiling. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

We got to her house and I really didn't want the night to end. "Are you guys having a sleepover?," I asked.

"Yeah, it's too late for Bianca to go home and her parents won't mind," Allie replied.

I looked at Bianca and said, "I could drive you home if you want."

"No," she looked at Allie and then back at me, "We have some things to discuss," they both laughed.

"Better not talk shit," I mumbled acting annoyed. That made everyone in the car laugh.

I opened the door for Allie and Cameron opened it for Bianca. We walked them to the door.

Cameron kissed Bianca and it was so cute. I smirked at him because I saw it. He just quickly pulled away and started blushing.

I kissed Allie and said, "I'll text you tomorrow." I kissed her forehead and then walked away. This was such a good night. I had big plans for us tomorrow. No more meet and greets and a week left in New York. So much to do, but still such little time.

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