Chapter 49

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Allie's POV

Taylor and I have went on five dates so far. I was hoping he would ask me out soon because I was waiting. I got over Jack and we haven't talked in about 2 weeks. Taylor and I had a date tonight and I was super excited.

This was a casual date with all of us and our friends. We were all going to Cameron's party. I was super excited.

I got up and looked at my phone smiling from the text I got from Taylor.

Taylor😍🙈- Hey babe😘 I'll pick you up tonight at 9 beautiful. Be ready and wear something casual.😍

He was so cute and honestly made me so happy. I decided to get up and go take a shower. I let the warm water hit my body as I put my phone on shuffle. The first song to come on was Flights. I instantly changed it.

After being in the shower for 30 minutes (and yes I did brush in the shower, judge me!) I got out. I decided on wearing a purple skater skirt that had flowers on it with a black crop top. I went to my closet and decided on just wearing flip flops.

I was going to do my makeup later so I spend the rest of my time watching Netflix, waiting for 9 o'clock.

Johnson's POV

I woke up and went on Twitter. So many people were tweeting me about Taylor and Allie, but I just ignored it. I went on Instagram and once again all I was tagged in were pictures of Taylor and Allie. I decided to click my phone shut and get ready for the day.

Once I was done getting ready, I decided to head out. I was wearing my red Nebraska jacket with a grey shirt underneath and black jeans. Of course my shoes were black too.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked downstairs to see Gilinsky and Madison eating breakfast.

"Where you heading?," Gilinsky asked smirking at how I was so dressed up.

I laughed and said, "Just going to hang out with Nash."

"Oh I get you, "Nash" have fun," Gilinsky said laughing. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my keys and headed out.

I got in my car and began driving towards Allie's house. I know I said I was going to hang out with Nash, but not really. I'd stop by at his house after just because I didn't want Gilinsky asking questions.

I knocked and regretted it after I did. I noticed Taylor's car in the driveway so I ran and hid at the side of the house. I heard her and Taylor giggling as she opened the door. He was calling her babe and baby girl and all these cute names that I should be using.

After she closed the door I began kicking a rock on the ground with my hands in my pockets. I got in my car and began driving to Nash's house.

And in case you're wondering, I still haven't fully gotten my memory back, but that part of me that wanted Allie never left. It's like I can't help myself. I'm pushing myself to be with her. If I tried to pull back, I'd end up going insane which I'm already doing by not understanding these feelings.

I finally arrived at Nash's house after that mess. I rang the doorbell and I guess Allie and Taylor beat me here because there was Taylor's car once again in the driveway. Great.

"Hey bro, what's up?," Nash said while standing against the door frame.

I started to tear up, but hid it. I sighed and said, "Sorry this was a bad time to come, I'll come back later." I quickly walked away before giving Nash a chance to respond. It was like everywhere I went I was being haunted by these feelings for Allie.

I got home and quickly ran upstairs to try and attempt to sleep. I began crying and the next thing I knew, I was sleeping.

Allie's POV

It was 7:57 and Taylor just left my house. That gave me one hour to pick out an outfit, do my hair, and makeup.

I quickly ran to my closet and picked out an outfit. I finally decided on a pink crop top with spandex and black flip flops.

I put on a light orange eyeshadow and eyeliner and mascara. I straightened my hair a little bit because it didn't need to be straightened too much.

Once I was done, I looked at my phone. It was 8:53 and Taylor would be here soon. Just as I was thinking about him, the doorbell rang.

Bianca went to answer it before I did and Sammy was there with Taylor. "Hey girls. Let's get going," Sammy said carrying Bianca to the car.

I laughed and said, "Guess I get shotgun."

We drove to Cameron's and it wasn't that long of a ride. We all talked about how much to drink tonight and if we needed to, we'd call an uber.

Before we knew it we arrived at Cameron's. Taylor escorted me out of the car and into Cameron's house. I held onto him so I wouldn't get lost. Cameron's parties turn into those crazy parties where random strangers we don't even know show up.

I spotted Gilinsky and scanned around for Johnson, but he was no where to be found. That's weird. I decided to shrug it off since I knew he would show up the second Taylor and I kissed.

I gave Taylor a peck on the lips and nothing happened. I know I shouldn't have cared, but I wanted to know where Jack was.

My thoughts were interrupted by Taylor waving his hand in front of my face and laughing.

"Oh sorry," I said giggling at how stupid I was.

He laughed too and said, "It's okay. But I've been meaning to ask you something." He began looking down at his hands and awkwardly moving them.

"Yes," I said smiling and grabbing his chin so his eye met mine.

He was breathing heavily then said, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gave him a big hug and whispered, "Yes."

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