Hey guys.
It's that time of the year again, exams and school is taking over my life. For a few months I haven't been to school as often as I should, and it's not because I want it that way. It's because I get so anxious out of nowhere and I can't control it.
It's near the holidays and it's not the time to get help either. I have one week left of school and then I can breathe, have a fresh start thanks to the new year.
I've started working out more. I'm having a fever right now, but I usually go to the gym 4 times a week. It's challenging but I love it, for some reason. I feel so energized and I always sit down in the massage chair when I'm done, so relaxing. After that I take a long shower and get dressed to go home, it's usually dark by this time. There aren't many people out and I just feel so good about myself after this (kind of) routine. It make me less anxious too, and I'm really trying to stay in school. I just didn't know that I had been skipping school this much.
I hope everything's alright with you guys, and if it isn't, I know how much it sucks to feel like shit. I'm currently in bed listening to some depressing Rihanna song, but my playlist's on shuffle so it's not like I wanted to listen to it or anything. But it's still there, for some reason, ITS WHATEVER.
What have you guys been up to today? I've been/I am home sick from school, with a fever. I was supposed to go on a date with this guy today but I had to cancel since I'm sick (surprise!). I'm pretty sure tomorrows a better day for dating so, I'll let you know if anything happens. If you're wondering, we met at a party and I was wearing this homemade headband that he was so keen on keeping. So I let him. He actually admitted that the only reason he wanted to keep it was because he wanted a reason to meet me again, to give it back. Not sure if creepy or super romantic. I'm not a romantic girl so, I don't know. It wasn't a pretty headband anyways. But he gets + points for being an amazing kisser, honestly. I was pretty wasted but it was still great, hopefully he's alright sober. What do I know.
This is very different from how I usually write, let me know if you like it or not. At least I feel better now when I'm done!
Wattpad hasn't been letting me answer messages or even update for a while (for some reason). But everything's fixed now soooo, you know what to do! Love you guys, happy friday
Roman pour AdolescentsIt's not my fault. I mean, I never asked for any of this. I can't help that it's in my genes. I can't help that I'm fat.