Sugar, Yes please.

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First story!

~Your P*O*V~

It was something special. About the way he dressed, The way he smiled, when he would crack a joke, the way he just.. Exists is enough.

" Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to---" you hear him say as you watch him on your laptop. You smile at his kind face and his egar attitude to get in what ever trouble he could get into. You have been dating him for 8 months now and ever since he and you both started the Youtubing business it makes you busy. A thought risen up, 'we haven't even been intimate yet'. Worrying that it might be a bit to much for him. But there is always those couple of days that you get to have to yourselfs. And this upcoming Pax event you will have that exact chance. "Three more days" you say stroking his face on your laptop screen. You felt a bit creppy but you missed him. So much indeed.

-Time skip to Pax day!-

You woke up early excited as you dress up and get ready. You grab your bags and left for the airport. Flying to Pax you grip your Tiny Box Tim plushie he gave you on your first date. You hated flying but it was worth it. Seeing him was all you needed.

When you arrive he's there. Wearing that oh so famous red flannel that you loved so much. His floof styled and dyed blue. You like the color. Heck you liked it when it was pink too. Infact his hair was your soft spot. Other then his brown chestnut eyes that made the world completely float. He smiled at you and you ran to him carrying your bag. "Woah, (y/n) did you miss me that much?" He asked as you buried your face in his red flannel. Taking in his familiar scent that you missed oh to well. "Yes, Yes I did" you say as you pull away but not wanting to. He holds your hands. "Come on our ride is waiting outside" he said taking your hand to the the carport. You put your Tiny Box Tim up in you bag to so you won't leave him behind.

Holding Marks hand you follow him and you both get in a limo. "Mark.." You hastily say."huh?" He asked as you look around the beautifuly lit port. Champagne and treats were in the cup holders. "Did I go to far?" He asked. His voice low and deep. Like he uses in his videos when he's recovering his voice from being sick or raging to much. (Octodad and I am Bread omg my ears) It sent shivers down your spine as you feel his arm snake around your waist and he pulled you close to him, his breath on your neck."N-no. I like it" you say shivering. "You want some wine (Y/n)?" Mark asks you as he pours a glass and then hands it to you. He then pours a glass for himself. "Helps me settle" he says still in that voice. You relax and sip your glass leaning back. The ride was a bit longer then expected. Arriving there you help Mark get his and your bags.

-Skip to the Q and A with Wade , Bob, and Jack!-

As you get ready for the Q and A you sip some ice water bringing the bottle with you. You set your stuff on the stage and sat down on the leather couch. Along with Mark. Wade, Bob, and Jack appear and crack jokes with Mark making smoochy faces at you. Blushing you laugh. And then you hear fans come in. The screams. The claping. It was all around. After things got settled you started taking questions. More of the questions were about ships and fan fiction. (Go figure) but then you hear Mark as it was his turn to read. "Have you banged your girlfriend yet?" You sit up and go wide awake blushing hard and looking away. "Ooooooooooo" everyone in the room squealed. "Now now everyone calm down. No. We have not banged yet." Mark answered calmy and collectively as the room goes quiet. Wade breaks the silence as he reads another one. And after a couple more Q and A, It was all finally over. 'I need a nap' you think exhausted.

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