Pouting Markimoo (New Years Party Part 1)

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~Your P*O*V~

It was the day of new years. You, Mark, Bob, Wade, and Jack went out to TGI Fridays. The boys were drinking joking at each other. "Your mom so fat" this "your mom so ugly" that. They were all just a bunch of children. Mark couldn't drink a whole bunch so he wasn't off his ass like the others. "Eye Marrrk. Whatcha doing after this eh? Gettin you some sweet ass tonight?" Jack slurred. His accent was hilarious due to him being drunk. "Hue, hue, hue" Wade huckled as he facepalmed. His face was red and dark from laughing to much. Mark had a red tint of his own but it wasn't from the drink. It was from pure embarrassment. "S-shut up guys..." He mumbled and they hyena laughed.

After a hour of them drinking and eating chicken wings Mark wanted to go to the house where Matt and Ryan were waiting. We left a big tip and took some pictures with fans that happened to be hanging around. It was nice hanging out with the guys. As perverted as they were they were still loveable. During the whole car ride Wade was making fake moaning noises. You were driving because you were waiting to get home to drink. Looking to Mark which was blushing heavily red you then look in the mirror where you see Wade licking his lips and kissing the air. "SHUT UP WADE!" Mark yelled as he threw a empty water bottle bottle that was in the cup holder at him. "Owww" Wade mumbled.

We finally got to Marks house and went in. Wade, Bob, and Jack went to sit on the couch as Ryan and Matt snicker at Mark red face. "What happened Mark? You seem a bit.. Reddened" Matt asked as you shake your head. "The boys were making in front of my poor cimmanom roll" you say in a baby voice as you rubbed his back. "Aww poor Mark" Matt added as Mark gets flustered and runs away to our bedroom shutting the door" Matt and Ryan sigh. "Oh Mark..." You say as Ryan and Matt join the others watching the TV. It was a hour until the ball dropped.

You go to the door and knock on it. "Mark babe. I was just kidding.." You say as the door opens and you see his face. "Cinammon roll?" He says pouty. You go in the room and shut the door as he goes and lays in bed bawling himself in the covers. "Mark they are drunk you know how they get" you say sitting beside him as you see the lump in the bed shake. "Your such a doof" you say as you stroke his back. "Can we pick on Jack please? Or Wade?" He pouts. Rolling your eyes you sigh and smile. "Fine. Let's go" The covers fly off and and you see that mark has a giant grin. "You got a bunch of your momma jokes dont you?" You question him raising your brow and he nods excitedly. Getting up he runs out of the room dragging you along.

'Oh god Mark... Why' you ask as you go in the living room.

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