X-Markina part 2

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The next day Mark told me to sleep. I wasn't sure why but he told me that everything will be ok. I look to see the other robots putting their hands up and seeing the prisoners drop on their beds. "Why are they doing that?" I look to Mark seeing his hand was up pointed to me his eyes flashed a sad look as I feel the world go pitch black

"Im sorry"

I awoke in a sweat looking around for Mark seeing all the lights were dim and that he wasn't there. Getting up I go up to the barrier that kept me inside of my prison. I reached out and my arm slid through. "What..." I slide out looking around seeing the others sleeping. They were still and quite, almost as if they were dead. I hear beeping and clicking of a keyboard. Following the sounds I go twords a little light down the end of the hall. It led to this off putting door that looked fake, as soon as I go up to it reaching out and the door props itself open with a tiny creak. I go in and see the room. Seeing that it had big tanks laid side by side to each other. As i look closer I see all the robots in them.

The tanks were filled with white bubbly liquid, wires were connected to their bodies; wrapped around their waist, wrist, and ankles. I walk down the hall seeing a person dressed as a doctor tap one of the empty tanks. "Time for your treatment Robot AI M" I hid behind a near tank watching the stranger put Mark in the empty tank. He hooked the wires around his back, arms, and ankles putting him in closing the tank door pressing a button. The tank filled up with a light blue liquid instead of white like the rest. "Your still presenting feelings and a mutal bond. Well have to get rid of that won't we Robot AI M?" the person walks off and I sneak up to the tank he was in looking at the sign on the tank.

Name: Mark Fischbach
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Korean/ German
Species: Human

I felt my heart race. I walk down reading the other signs. Different names, ages, ethinicitys. But all the same species; human. They were all... Human. It was true.... The rumor come out... These were not robots... I hesr footsteps comming back and I ran off, I didn't want to leave Mark but my fears and thoughts crashed into each other like ocean waves. I ran back to my prison sliding back into the barrier. I hid sliding in the soft sheets of the bed, closing my eyes. Not drifting off, not dreaming. Only laying there scared out of my mind for the next day.

"(Y/n)..." his voice soft as silk. I looked at him with deep eyes seeing the lights were all turned on again. But my prison glass was tainted black. I couldn't see out "You haven't slept" "how did you know?" "your eyes" he said as he came up to me reaching out to me. His cold hand made me shiver, his skin felt clammy and cold. My mind flashed back to last night reminding myself of what Mark was in, and I left him there. I felt my heart race. I felt bad then I felt his hand grace my face, his warm brown eyes giving me a feeling. He arched his head and neared it twords mine. I back up surprising him and he looks at me with a confused look. "Why are the windows tainted?" he looked over and looked back to me. "Yours are not the oly one tainted, the rest are to" "but why?" Mark had a sad look opon him. "They are going to brain wash them" I felt my heart stop. "Are you-" "no..." he leaned back twords to my face and i felt his lips on mine, they were cold as ice. He emmited a soft murmur and a moan from his lips as they form into a smirk.

"I know you were there" he said between kisses. I opened my eyes and he laughed as my eyes met his. "But you..." "I could sense you" I hugged him forcing him on his back and he laughed. "I'm so sorry... I didn't help you..." he clamped his hand ovsr my mouth staring into my eyes. "We can save them like you have me" he kissed my cheek. "What?" I feel his hands grace up my patient robe. "We can set them back to normal. The liquid and wires are controlling them but we will have to wait until night. All of the rooms are tainted and the brain washing takes all day." he was starting to feel me under my robe and i let him."but why aren't you-" he interrupted me "because there is something to fight for" he kissed me again and i felt his body start to warm under me. We had all day so why not make the most dick move to the elders to prove to them that we are not robots? I was all in for it and so was Mark. His soft lips now warm hovered overed my neck gracing my skin. "It's only right to do this... To show that I am human" he said getting up grabbing my hand standing me up while taking off my patient robe and his clothes.

His body was toned and fit. His member was a pretty size as well it sure looked human to me. He laid me back down and groaned deeply as his lips kiss up and down my body. He then went down further and praised my thighs and lower area. "I need to taste you" I felt his lips and tounge slide in and out. Pleasure emitted from deep within me. Something I forgotten due to the horrible elders. With each flick I gasp and feel his red hair tugging it making him bite me. It felt good. Really good. I felt close and he growled yanking his head away making me groan. "Not yet" He hovered hisself on me I felt his member rub softly on me. Gasping as he entered me slowly.

"Shh be quiet" he said as he kissed my cheeks and ears rocking his body back and fourth. It felt wonderful, the feeling that I never was close to feeling. That it was illegal to feel. It felt wonderful. "F-fuck" he whispered in my ear as he keeps going faster and faster. He covered my mouth as I moan out."shhhh, shhhh" he held me close stroking my hair kissing my cheeks. "Shhh" I felt his hand move away and his lips meet mine. He moaned quietly as he went faster and I feel him grow and myself tighten on him as we were both close now. It felt wonderful. He groaned and looked at me "let go with me please" I couldn't take it no more and I let go and he did as well showering me in kisses. As we lay there we pant looking at each other. "Am I human?" he asks me and I smile looking at him. "You always were"

After we cleaned ourselfs up in tge shower we start to plan. "The windows will change back soon. You have to pretend to be out if it" he said as he helped put back on the patient apron.  As Mark fixed the bed and I lay on it pretending I was asleep. "Keep your eyes closed until I say so" "but..." "trust me" I hear a whir and feel the light sting my eyes. "Robots to the corridor" I felt my body being raised up and I go limp. "That's it keep pretending" I felt being carried as bad as I wantedto open my eyes I didn't. I trusted Mark with all my heart. I hear the clicking and clamping of the computer key. I hesrd footsteps and felt someone touch my arm. "Good job Robot AI M. Looks like your actually getting better. We will start the white liquid tonight on you" the voice said. The footsteps disappear. "Open them slowly" I did and see the tanks. "Mark..." "Trust me" "insert prisoner" Mark put me in a tank and i started to freak out as he latched the wires to me. "(Y/n) calm down... Trust me .." he pressed his hands on my head and made me close my eyes. I felt the wires grip me and feel my energy get taken from me, I feel my heart slow as I feel the cold liquid grace my body as I feel asleep.

"Hey... Wake up..." splash! I felt my body land on the ground and I open my eyes taking in air. I look up to a man wearing a blue jumpsuit his wavy curly brown hair gracing his shoulders. A person dressed as in black like a ninja loomed in the back with Mark as they sat the others free. I see the lab person dressed as a doctor out of it on the floor "Who... Are you..." the man smiled a very soft nice smile as he helped me up wrapping me in a blue towel with a red Jewish star on it. "My name is Danny Sex Bang and this is Ninja Brian. Were here to help you. Your friend over there ran to us and told us" I look at Mark as he stepped up. "I told you to trust me" he smiled and I hugged him. "Lets go" he said as we follow Danny. We see the others follow us. We met up with the 'robot' guards they were wrapped with the same towels shivering with dazed looks on their faces. As we ran out of the room out of the prison to a blue painted ship that kinda looked like a dick. "The only wsy to stop is to convince the elders that sex is good" Danny saud as we all climbed it. The other sat in the back as we went in the from with Danny and Ninja Brian.

We flew back to my hometown. The capital of the Dick Elders. As the plane landed the prisoners ran off to the crowd. Everyone embracing and kissing. Back together. As we follow Danny we see the Elders stand there at the top of the hill. "As you can see sex is good. You must see that we cannot live without!" The top Elder frowns at us as they start to chase us cornering us in a dark path. "Danny what now? Mark said as he held me behind him. "Ninja Brian?" Danny looked over but Ninja Brian wasn't there. I see him sneak behind the top elder and slit his throat the others backed off and ran away. Danny smiledad we saw the cruel dark world start to fade and turn bright. We walk out to see couples kissing and hugging. Some in the corner covered in well you know what. It was changed."we have to go now but never forget to keep it real in this age of 6969" Danny said as we walked him back to the ship. He went in and waved to us Ninja Brian flipped us off and we laughes as we saw the giant dick shaped space ship fly off.

I looked at Mark and smiled."so round two?" "in honor of Danny?" Mark laughed "in honor of Danny" he grabbed my hand and led me home to my egar mother and more egar bed.

Thanks so much guys. I thought i'd do a story wise thing. Hope you liked it.


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