Stop you theif!

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'Just another day on the job. A stupid job as a low mall cop. Seriously I can do way better then this?' I think to myself as I fashion my two dollar badge on my black fitted button shirt. As I exited the bathroom after fixing my uniform to go to my tiny office I see a red headed man looking around in the small coffee shop across the hall. As I looked closely he had a few items in his hands. He looked back again, his eyes shifty and darting everywhere. When I looked closer he was putting the items in his pocket. I didn't go straight up to him nor near him for I didn't have any evidence that he took anything from the store. I couldn't see what he put in his pockets. As he walked out beyond the few crowds of people among the hall I follwed him at a safe distance. He seemed shady and suspicious I just had to know if he was actually stealing.

As I followed him into a flannel store I saw him skillfully try on a couple of flannels and smooth them down to hide them under his jacket and he walked right out. My mouth was wide open. I followed him again this time running, he must of saw me from the corner of his eyes he sat speed through the halls. "Stop! That is a order!" I yell chasing after him. He narrowed a corner and disappeared into the perfume department of the Jc Penny. I wrinkle my nose and brave the awefullness of all the perfumes together. As I cut through the clothing section I catch up to him grabbing him taking out my handcuffs grabbing his wrist pulling them back cuffing them. "You know handcuffs turn me on" he said and I roll my eyes catching my breath as I walk him to the tiny office that was located all the way back at the food court. 'Shit' I cursed under my breath as this red headed jerk laughs under his breath.

As we finally get there I put him in a chair and empty his pockets revealing more stolen stuff. "What's your name?" I asked and he smiles "non ya" "tell me your name!!!" I yell and he smirks. "It's DEEZ NUTS!" rolling my eyes and slap his face. We're really not supposed to hit the person but this guy was getting on my nerves. As I pace back and forth I shoot him a few glances noticing his face was perfectly fine but his eyes were pure black. Angling my head to get a better look the guy notices and stares straight at me, his eyes were like nothing I saw in my life. My body felt weak as a shiver runs up my spine, breathing deeply I decide to leave the room to gather myself.

'Was I really seeing this?' A tap on my shoulder made me jump, turning around I see Derek. We called him 'the fileoligist' because this guy can find anything on anyone. "Sorry ma'am I finally got all the files on this guy, he's some famous internet personality. Take a look" he handed them to me and I look at his picture. His eyes weren't pitch black, they were a wonderful brown. Next to the picture was his information. 'Mark Fischbach, age twenty seven, internet personality known as 'Markiplier' on Youtube' I look to the stained glass at the guy that is or was Mark, he was relaxing in the chair with his feet on the desk looking right at me as if he could see me. The smirk of his was burning my insides like a flame.

"Why would he steal? He donates to charity. This guy has done nothing wrong" Derek said. I handed him the file "go outside for a few minutes. I need to talk to this guy alone" Derek nodded taking the file leaving. I go back in the room crossing my arms. I kinda knew who this Mark was, from what I seen on the internet he's a whiny little boy in a grown mans body, funny and charming. "Mark...?" He looked up at me with a raised brow. "Who's Mark?" I backed up as he got up to me. "The names Dark. I don't think your little file finder will find anything on me so I'll do you a favor. I'm the darker version of Mark. A demon as you will" I looked into his eyes as he was inches away. "Why did you steal that stuff...?" I could hear a clanking but I was to busy to see what it was. "I just like doing bad things, and don't you look big and bad in that mall security outfit" he was closer. My first instinct was to push him away. As I moved my hands I was stopped and I hear a clink, looking down I see I was handcuffed.

"Now why don't we play... A little game?" Dark said as he pressed a button near the window lowering down black blinds. "It's called cops and robbers..." he held a knife to my neck. "Where.." "It's called powers sweetheart. Now are you willing to cooperate?" I nod feeling my heart beating rapidly in my chest. "The rules are simple you see those trinkets over there that I took?" he motioned to the desk and I quietly nod. "All you have to do is take them to the far corner it'll be your safe space. But you have to avoid me. Everytime I catch you I get a peice of your uniform" I glare at him. "What? I'm the cop I need the uniform!" "how am I supposed to do this handcuffed?" he shrugged. "Go!" he took the knife and ran off to the desk laughing.

My first thought was to trick him by going a different way then the desk, but it didn't work. My clothes went quickly as each new thought turned out to be a disaster. There was no way to get past him. As I stand in the far corner naked and quite afraid of Dark I catch my breath. "My, my out of clothes aren't we? Looks like I won the game" he came closer to me bending down to look at me. "Don't you look so helpless? So pretty..." I look at the wall holding my breath. "You know... There is a way to get Mark back, you have to give me your body. Demons need love too." I look at him furious. "What makes me think I'll fuck trash like you?" he laughed "oh come on! Fucking a demon will help you too ya know!" "how?" "well Mark might like ya after" he winked. I could vomit. "I don't even know Mark that well.." "then get to know him because I'll always be there" "theres no way out of this is there?" He shrugged "I could find another cutie but you are just to adorable to pass up. Cmon what do ya say?"

At least he was being honest. And why not ya know? Having a famous internet personality as a boyfriend might not be that bad. Heck it might get me out of this crappy job. "Fine but you have to take these handcuffs off" I hear a deep laugh. "Oh no honey they're staying on" he gripped my arm pulling me to the desk putting my face on the cold hard wood "I hope you like it rough" I look back to see him unbuckling his belt shifting his black pants off. I felt his hands grace my ass, they were cold as ice it sent my skin crawling. I shivered and he inhaled through his teeth. "Shh it's nit going to hurt... That bad..." i feel him press into my opening with the head if his member. He was just teasing me. And he kept teasing me which made me whine. "Shh" I felt his hands in my hair pulling it back as he inserting his member deeper hissing. His cold hands smoothed my back making me shiver more. "Now now pet just calm down" he went slow and hard. It hurt but felt really good. Not anything I ever felt before. He went faster gripping my hips pulling me closer to him going deeper and faster.

I could feel my body urging as it was close to it's peak. "Nah ah me frist slut" he slapped my ass. This is what being fucked by a demon feels like... He pounded into me harder pulling my hair hard. "Ah..." I felt him pull me and let go inside me. "Go on now" and at his command I did. "Ahh.." he pulled out leaving me there panting. "You better take your clothes and put them on dear. Mark will be here soon.." I sit up as he took off the handcuffs and  handed me my uniform as he cleaned himself up pulling his pants up, he then handcuffed himself. I get dressed and watched him sit down.

"See ya later sweetheart" he winked and the black eyes turned into those brown ones. "Ugh what... Where am I?" he looked around and at me. "Oh god what did I do.." I smile and uncuffed Mark. "You're free to go" "what really?" he smiled and i wrote my number on a notepad. "Give me a call ok. He smiled a goofy smiled and kissed my cheek taking the slip. "See ya" he walked out and I went out of the room running into Derek. "So what are we going to do? Arrest him?" I shook my head. "Nah he was just.. Not himself... I just gave him a warning"

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