Sick SnapChat

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(Also spoilers if you haven't seen Moana yet don't read? Idk do whatever fam)

Mark has sent you a snap!

I opened the snap seeing the picture and I sighed. I knew Mark got sick from the convention he went too he tends to always get sick at them, I sent back a picture of pocket hand sanitizer that I always keep with me. "Oh haha" he sent back another horrible picture of his sweaty face. I took a picture of my face up close making a scrunch in my eyebrows like a meme. "Well ya should of brought it with you" "I am in great horrible sick pain and you want to be smartallek about it" it was a snap of him with a pouting lip a poorly drawn tear on his face. "Please come help me get better" he dmed me and I rolled my eyes. "I'm busy" I dmed back.

I receive another snap. This time was a video. Cautiously I click on it and it's him staring at the camera, his hair all matter and his face a little pale. "If you don't get over here I will never give you the password to my wifi again" his voice was deepened and sexy. I bit my lip as I felt a ache in my heart "oh no..." I got up and grabbed a couple of cans of tomato soup. 'It would be a pain if he changed the wifi password again' I think as I try not to think about his hot deep voice I run over. Lucky I was a few houses afar from his, in which he knew that. That fucking big baby. I hear my phone binged and saw another snapchat of a black screen "doors open I'm upstairs laying down just lock it later" I roll my eyes and walk in locking it being greeted by Chica. "Hey pup" I go to the kitchen preparing the stove putting the soup in as she runs around me. I hear a groan upstairs. My phone viberated and it as a snap of Mark barely lit up by the shades of his dark room his face was relaxed and he was running his hands through his hair. "Hurry up I'm starving" I took a picture of the stove and my middle finger. "Fuck off I'm hurrying my best" I pour a little milk and stir up the tomato soup putting in a few salt free crackers. After a few more stirs the soup was boiling, I pull it up and pour it in a bowl setting it on a tray adding a few more crackers to the side and a glass of juice. As I get up the stairs holding the tray I hear more groans.

I creep up and see his door was slightly open, more groans I peak more and see a silhouette of his body by the blinds. I open the door a bit more seeing his bare back illuminated by the light I bite my lip flicking the light on. Mark turns around sitting up revealing his sweaty chest. It wasn't that hot in his room infact it was fridged cold. I put the tray on his lap and he smiles. "Thank you" his voice was deep and very sexy, I could feel my mimd going to places it shouldn't be when Mark is sick. I go to feel his head and feel hes not hot but really sticky with sweat. "Geez Mark what have you been doing to get this sweaty?" ge scoffs and I narrow my eyes at him. "Exercise" "doing?" he smiled wide and I look to the covers that was covering his lower half I went to grab it and he caught my hand. "You best not do that" "why not?" "because im very sweaty and not looking well" I stand back and turn around. "Alright then i'll leave you be. I packed some stuff to stsy here for a few days until you get bette. If you wake up finding your food, dog, and candy gone don't come looking for me" I say as I walk away shutting the door going back down stairs.

Attacking the couch with blankets and Chica climbing in with me, grabbing the remote I flip to Netflix to see if anything good or new was added. 'Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black Game of Throne's' to bad I'm caught up on all of these. I browse the Disney movies 'hmm Moana" that sound cute. I click it and the movie starts, a smart island girl facing on braving the sea and a dumb chicken. I'm in love with this movie. I hear my phone viberate and check it was snapchat again. Opening it I see the tray on the floor the bowl empty "thanks for taking care of me" was the caption. I took a picture of Chica on the couch chewing her toy. "Woof" a couple of minutes and I receive a dog filtered Mark "sick woof" I shrug and put down my phone not paying attention to the viberates getting into Moana. I was on the part where she was sailing to meet Maui to help her defeat Te Ka and restore the island. More viberates from my phone made me sigh. "Oh my god whatt?" I pick it up seeing five more snaps. All of Marks face. The pictures all blurred a bit and captions saying "when your sick and you want chips but your girlfriend won't answer her phone" I sigh continuing my movie getting through it. Crying like a baby trying to find another movie forgetting the time and Mark. It was now dark outside and I was on Mean Girls. I felt my heart jump as I look at the time I get up running to the kitchen grabbing Doritos and head upstairs cursing quietly at myself. 'I'll never hear the end of this' I think as I quiety go up sneaking to the door opening it quietly. I hear a few moans and heavy breathing.

'What the...' I sneak up to the illimiated shadow holding the bag of chips. More moans from him. I see in the dim light he was laying on his back and a jerking motion from his body. At first I thought he was going in shock. "Oh fuck" he moans quietly. I neared closer to see he was masterbating. "Exercising? " I said as he jumped nearly falling off the bed. I appear into the dim light bending down turning on the desk lamp. He panted and got up covering his body with the cover. "No wonder you were sweating..." I look him up and down. His face was red as ever as ge looked down. "I thought maybe doing it will help me sweat out the cold" I scoff. "Yeah right" he sits down and sighs."I'm sorry..." "for?" I sit next to him. "I.. I just thought if I could get some action but I know you weren't up to it because I was sick... I-" I stopped him by kissing him. His lips felt warm and his skin sweaty from "exercising"

I felt his arms wrap around me and a deep groan rumble from him. "(Y/N) youll get sick..." he mumbled. Shook my head kissing him more laying him down on his back wrapping the covers around us. He reached for the desk light clicking it off bringing back the dim light. It made me want him more, I felt his hands run up my shirt and a slight sniffle. "You sure (Y/N)? If you complain about being sick I'll just ignore you" he mumbled and I laugh. "Yeah right" seeing that he was already naked it gave me more of a advantage of teasing him. He whined aginst your hands kissing your neck. "(Y/N) I'm siiiiiiick at least try to be nice" he begged in my ear. "Alright fine" not waisting anymire of our times i get undressed and sit on him again slowly pushing his hard on into me. He moaned out softly as I felt his hips buck up and down matching with mine. The constant rytham was getting intense. Mark kissing more of my neck and up to my lips pushing me back and forth on him his hands gripping my ass tightly pinching every now and then. As we get faster Mark grunts more alomg with my moans, a few morr sniffles come from him and a few more thrust. I could feel the hardness of him pulsating as I clench down. He and I knew we were both close and with a few more wild fast hard strokes we hit the clouds of climax. I moaned out as he held me to his sweaty warm body panting in my ear. "Thanks I feel soooo much better" he huffed and I coughed a little."oh fuck you" I say as he laughs.

Yo fuck it's been a million and one years honestly. Hope you like it cheers on my day of birth. Thanks for the love guys keep sinning.

-Dank Heely Mark

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