Cotton Candy Ring leader (Contest Winner Request # 3!)

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Contest winner #3 Jolly-Lily_Bean

~Your P*O*V~

"Lily are you going to the carnival today?" I heard my non yell from the living room as I grab my keys. "Yeah I heard it was in town and I gotta see the show! I heard the old ring master retired and someone new came in. I want to see what they are made of" I said excitedly as I ran to the front door. "Alright just be careful, don't get tangled in any carnival junkies" she said as I sighed. "Bye mom" I went out giggling. Getting into my car and zooming on to the carnival.

When I got there I saw it was bigger then last time.. More vendors litter the fair grounds selling foods and toys. Face painters side by side teaching each other their secrets. I got all giddy and buy a pink cotton candy roll from one of the vendors. "Have fun!" They said as I left for the big tent. I found a seat close to all the action. 'Let's see what this ring leader has in store' I thought as I munched on the cotton candy. I heard the funky music play as the lights went dim and smoke came from the tent opening.

"Ladies and gentlemen are you ready for a show?" I heard a deep husky voice say and I felt goosebumps on my arms. He sounded so... Wonderful... I heard the crowd cheer and I cheered along. "It's my first time as ring leader here and I promise to show you a good time" two spot lights went on a man wearing a red and white stripped suit with a big top hat that matched his suit. And a.. Pink mustache? Was that really pink or just dyied? I wanted to know all about him. It was like he was a puzzle, and I had to solve him.

He looked through the crowd and stopped at me. I saw a gleam in his eyes. He smiled wide and winked at me. I felt my heart race. It was quiet as a mouse in the tent. He clicked his fingers, *snap!* and the music went on as a lion came on the stage. It was roaring as he got a piece of meat from his pocket sleeve. The lion chases him and he cart wheels into the banister in front on me as he threw the meat. The crowd cheered. He bent over on his tip toes and took a piece of my cotton candy in his mouth. "H-hey!" He back flipped and caught a swing wire as he swung back. He was surley a mystery to be solved. The agow went on with more animals and clowns doing tricks but all I could keep my eyes on was him and I saw that he was the same, glancing at me. It was wonderful.

After the show I waited. Maybe he wanted to talk? As much attention he was giving me I would think so, and I was right.
I saw the suit first. It was easily spotted. He came to me holding out his hand, I looked at him questioning if it was ok. He nodded and smiled as I shrug and take it. He helped me over that banister and onto the grounds where the show was preformed. "Don't worry darling we won't get in trouble" there was that tantalizing voice sgsint. It was a bit slurred now that I think about it, like a old timey gentlemen. I felt his hand hold mine softly. "You know throughout the whole show I couldn't keep my eyes off you" he whispered in my ear as I felt his pink mustache tickle me. I saw that it wasn't dyed. It was perfect.

"What's your name?" He asked me and I shutter. "L-lily" I saw him smile. "Lily. Like my favorite flower, pure and wonderful" he stroked my hair behind my ear and I fell flush. "W- what's yours?" "Wilford. Wilford Warfstache" He stopped us in front of a ride it was a carousel. He led us onto a two seater and put his arm around me. We talked about the circus. Of how Wilford became a ring leader because of his dad, it was in the family. After the carousel we walked around and he brought me another pink cotton candy cone. We shared it. He got some on his mustache and I near him picking it off. I felt his lips on mine after surprising me. I felt his hands stroke my hair softly. I start to relax into his arms, the kiss was as magical as he was. We broke the kiss and I felt his hands on mine. We walked around talking about anything and everything.

It was getting dark and I had to go home. Me and Wilford walked to the parking lot next to my car. "I.. Don't want this night to end" "It doesn't have too" "but I got to go home.." "I understand.. I'll see you later?" I nod and he walked away. I sigh and unlock my car. *click* I heard and turned around to a gun in my face. "Give me your money" the man in black said as I panicked. "I.. I only brought a bit for the carnival! I.. I have no more!" I heard him laugh and he pushed me on the ground. "Well I'll take something else" he started ripping at my clothes and I screamed. "H-help!!!" I saw a dark figure behind the man in black. *Thunk!* the man fall and I gathered myself shaking. "Hey are you alright?" I heard Wilford say as I saw his hand reached out for me. I took it and fell into his arms shaking. "Lock your car, your staying with me" I heard him and I nodded as I did so.

He took me to a small tent in the back of the fair grounds. The tent didn't even look like it wasn't even made to fit one person. He held The flap up and motioned me to go inside, I did expecting a small room but it was a big room filled with elaborate furniture. It looked like a house. "Wow... How did you..?" I heard him follow me and hold my hand from behind. "Magic my dear" He led me down the hallway to his room. "Are you hurt any?" He asked me I smiled and he laughed. "I'm fine Wilford" I saw him sit down next to me and felt his hands caress me. "Are you sure?" I felt his mustache tickle my neck. "Because I can make you feel.. Better.." He cooed in my ear. I leaned into him as he pushed me onto the bed. "You know you were the prettiest thing there" "No wonder why you couldn't keep your eyes off me" I felt his lips graze me. "Yeah. I wanted you.. So much.." He said soflty.
I leaned back into his pillows and he stroaked my hair. "I.. I want you too" "but I don't want this to be just one night. I want to be with you Lily... You can be my female ring leader" he kissed my lips siftky and I wrapped his arms around his back. "Let's take this slow ok? If your not comfortable please tell me" I nod and he continued. We kissed a lot slowly feeling on each other. Our bodies grinding each other like matches.

We peeled off each others clothes and he pulled the covers over us cradling me. "Are you ready?" He asked me as I nodded and I felt him on me inserting his member inside me. "A-ah Wilford.." I felt him move on me his hands holding mine. " feel so.. Good.." He huffed and I moaned. "It's because.. It's.. My first.." He looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry I'll take care of you" he goes slow caressing my face. "W-Wilford" I moan and feel his mustache on my nose. It tickled me ask felt his soft lips meet mine.

He goes a bit faster as he rolls over letting me on top. I felt his hands on my waist coaxing my body to move in union with his. It felt.. So good.. "Wilford.. A-ah.." I grinded on him holding on my hands in his hair. "L-lily" he moaned as I go faster onto him. "Wilford i-" "I know I am too" he grabbed me and held onto my ass. Making me go faster and held on my ass. "Mmm Wilford" "L- Lily.. A-Ah" he groaned and I felt him let go. I hear him moan as he thrust his head back. "W.. Wilford" I leaned on him feeling his chest go up and down. "Lily stay with me.. Be my female ringleader.." "You got it.." I smile and he laughed as I got up off him and beside him. "You taste like cotton candy.. Ya know" "Just call me cotton candy ring leader"

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