Disney Night

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Ruining your childhood one Disney movie at a time.

~Your P*O*V~
It was Disney night! And what was greater then Snuggling up to a red haired goof in bed watching all of the Disney movies and yes I mean ALL! He even dedicated this day to you two. "Alright what's next he says sniffling as you finished Bambi. "Mark are you crying?" He sniffles again "Disney pulling at my heart!" You roll your eyes as he lays in bed wiping his eyes. "Ok so next is The Lion King" you popped the disk in and skip to the menu. He grabs the bowl of popcorn eating it quickly eyes glued to the tv. And as soon as the movie went on he jumped on the bed scattering popcorn every were. "NYYYYEAAAAA SEWENIIIAAAAAAA" he hooted and kept singing poorly in tune. You felt him rub something sticky on your head and as you look up you see him putting coco powder on your head "what the?!?" You felt him grip you and rase you up. "The cirrrrcleeeeeeeeee oooof liiiiffffeeeeeeeee!" "Mark put me down!!" He giggled and held you close as you laugh too.

You paused the movie to clean your forehead of the sticky thing on your head which was the chocolate spread you were dipping pretzels in. "Mark you idiot" you whip the coco powder off your head looking in the mirror seeing him clean up the popcorn the bed looked clean and untouched when you came back. "How did you?" He smirked crossing his arms. "Magic now come we got to finish this movie" you smile and jump into bed with him laying your head on his chest, he plays with your hair.

And with each song Mark sang and acted goofy. 'I think Disney brainwashed him...' You think as he kisses you after each song. It was about the time when Scar was talking to the Hyena's about them failing to kill Simba. He had a price if meat in his hand. I hear a growl from Mark and feel the viberarion in his chest. "Mark?" You feel him sit up and grab your wrist pinning you down as he lays on top.

Play the video if you want. Lamo changed the lyrics to go with it.

"I know that your powers of turning me on
Are as slick as a mudslide" he growled deeply as you felt his hands smooth up your shirt. "What?"

"But thick as you are, pay attention!
My words are a matter of pride!"

You felt him nibble at you ear as his hands work their way up to your back. It stunned you and you just watched him unsure what he was doing.

"It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs" he bent down as he got close to you. You felt his hand hit your thigh spanking it snapping you out your trace.

"We're talking how I'm going to make you feel good, even you can't be caught unawares!"

"So prepare for a chance of a lifetime!" He undressed your top in a flash nibbling your neck.

"Be prepared for a wonderful orgasm!~" you giggle as he takes his shirt off. Going back down nibbling on your neck.

"A shining new foreplay is tiptoeing nearer"

You interrupt him smirking, "And where do we feature?" You ask sitting up to Stoke his hair. He glares at you grabbing your wrist pinning you down.

"Just listen to teacher!" You gulp as you feel him softly feel under your pants as he took them off rubbing your panties.

"I know it sounds not fair but you'll be rewarded when you listen well, and with our bodies deliciously wrapped in each other! Be prepared!"

"Yeah!? Be prepared,I'll be prepared! For what?" You play along as he grins you feel him take off your panties his fingers ghosting over your opening.

"For a wonderful time!" He groaned "A wonderful time?!" You ask as you moan abit as he bends down to kiss you putting just the tip of his index finger in you.

"Yes a wonderful time~" he puts his tounge in your mouth as you feel him put another finger in you. "O-oh g-great ahh... F-fuck Mark..." He fingers you softly his lips on yours.

"Stick with me and you'll always get a good time" he thrust a little faster as you feel his hard on poke your thigh.

"A-ah... Ah... Fuckk... Long live Markimoo, long live the M-Markimoo" you moan as he stops fingering you. You see him sit up and take off his pants along with his underwear.

"It's great that I'll soon be connected with a goof  who'll be all-time adored!" He bent down as you said that.

"Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected.... To take certain duties on board... You felt his hand guilds your hands down to his hard on guiding you to touch it and you do. He moans softly.

"The future is littered with prizes, for both you and me. The point that I must emphasize is... You won't get to cum with out me!" He moans out as he takes your hands pinning them down as he sticks his hard on in

"So prepare for the sex if the century! Be prepared for the sting of my load! Pounding faster griping you ass tighter I'll be the king in this bed room you my servent and I'll be seen for the wonder I am!" He huffed as you moaned he kissed you hard as you wrap your kegs around him letting him guide more into you. Thrusting hard
He utters out a shaky moan along with you.

"Yes, my teeth and dick are are bared-
Be prepared!" He growled  as you make out hard, tounges all over, moans escaping from the both of you. He thrust more holding your wrist down. You feel your self tighten and him slowing into slow heavy strokes. You feel him let go and you immediately follow after moaning in pleasure.

He looks down at you panting as you hear the end to The Lion King. "I think.. We might have... To watch that again..." He panted and you smile as he gets off gently. You select the DVD menu and press play again as you get on top of him kissing him.

Let's just say you had to 'watch it 2 more times.

Hey I'm super sorry about being a lame there are other things distracting me right now. Much love

-Dank Heely Mark

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