Darkness Awaits.

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°Super big warning°
This will involve bdsm. Meaning ropes, chains, torture. Also very ROUGH advancements will be happening. Dark will smack you. There is no aftercare, this is Dark were talking about. So if your uncomfortable please run as fast as you can cause it's hell. If not gimme some sugar baby.

Song: "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.

~Your P*O*V~ the sky was bright and filled with wonderful blue plaid sheet with a few clouds here and there. It was such a gorgeous day outside and you were all alone for today. Although with the company of Chica you still missed Mark he was still stuck in DC because Delta is a dumb. As you take off your clothes to get in the nice two piece that Mark brought to lay by the pool Chica joining you begging to play fetch with you. You throw the rag monkey a few times rubbing sunblock all over you. You then sit on the chair and some up the sun. It was such a wonderful.. Day...

Then by the slight shade of your glasses you seen it was getting dark. "But... The weather was supposed to be gorgeous! What the hell was this dark cloud shit nature?!" You shout to the sky removing your shades to reveal the closing clouds that were once white little balls of fluff were expanded and darkened. It looked like someone colored the sky with permanent marker. "What the.." This was strange for L.A weather. You look at your phone to the weather app. 90°, sunny, 0° chance of rain. 'Fucking nature' you lean up to whistle for Chica but she as acting.. Strange.. She was in the corner growling at you like she didn't even know you. "Chica what's wrong it's OK" you get up and she growls more causing your heart to drop. "Chica it's me come on.. Maybe your afraid of the weather? I know it's scary but if you come inside with me it won't be so scary" you try to go across to her but she bares her teeth and barks like a maniac, whimpering with her tail between her legs. "What.."

Then you feel hands on your shoulders. And a jolt goes through you as the sky rumbles as flashes of lightening scarce the sky. "Hello there beautiful" that voice.. You haven't heard since the last time. You gulp and feel the grip on your shoulders. "Been a while huh? I see the dog doesn't like me. But don't worry she won't attack her master" as Dark said that Chica backed up and went across the other side of the pool in the house. From the corner of your eye you see her crawling under the pile of covers on the floor. "Dark.. Stop please... You are really freaking her out" you plead as the sky rumbles more. "Don't worry about her. It looks like it's about to storm. Why don't we go inside... Shall we?" You felt his hands trail up to your neck and feel leather wrap around your neck. You glance down to a collar and gulp as you hear chains and felt a sudden tug on your throat making you gag and your body force backwards on your back. You try to fight it and Dark breaths out between his teeth. You hear a clang and saw that Dark was taking off his belt. He came close and you felt a smack at your legs. "A-ah!" You scream as the leather smacked against your skin. "Come on princess. If you don't behave I'll have to do this" you get up as you see him wrap his belt around your wrist. More thunder and a pitter patter of rain grace the concrete. "Dark please stop.." You whimper and he tugs the chains making you follow him. "Beg and pled as much as you want it only makes me want you more" you feel tears start to come out your eyes. Where was Mark? Why was Dark here? Better yet why dose he even bother... As the horrible flashbacks of what happened flash through your mind you jerk the collar trying to run, forgetting Dark had his grip. You fell tripping as you run out of chain to run away with. "Such disobedience" You hear him go up to you and look at him. What was the loveable goof full of life and love was consumed by the greed of the demon that was inside. He was no longer the man you loved. He was only just a monster.

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