Goodbye Kim Jong-Hyun

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I know this isn't Mariplier related but it's really important and you should all read this.

A star rest in the sky. And it's not easy to realize that he's gone.

On December 18th 2017 Kim was found in a apartment building unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital and pernounced dead by possible suicide.

And we are all mourning over his sudden loss.

If you or someone you know are dealing with bad thoughts and wanting to end it please seek help. There are people out here who care about you. You are worth life and love and you never walk alone in this world.  

Heres some suicide hotlines:



Remember you life is worth living and never be afriad to reach out to a trusted friend or loved one. You are not alone and are loved dearly.

And for dear Kim may you find peace and light. For you are now a star in the sky. Shinee on Kim Jong-Hyun. You will dearly be missed around the world ❤

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