Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! As some of you may know, this story is the sequel to Love Made Us. If you have not read it, I would recommend reading it before this one, but hey it's a free country, do as you please. :) As always, some things that happen in the story have not happened in real life and I go in and out of what has happened with the Patriots and what I make up for the stories sake.

I hope you enjoy and are as excited about this new adventure for Julian and Sam as I am! Likes and comments are always appreciated! Thank you and as always, enjoy! :)

"Every touchdown I make out there today will be for you." Julian said this as he slipped on his sweats, getting ready to head to Gillette Stadium to play their game against the Bills.

"Well, maybe for every touchdown you make there will be a reward." I said, still wrapped up in the sheets after our 'morning routine'.

"Oh yeah?" Julian plopped back on the bed, coming near me ever so slowly.

"Yeah." I whispered, meeting him half way to a kiss that turned a little more heated than it should of.

"We just had sex like five minutes ago and you're going to be late." I said finally pulling away and rolling out of bed myself and slipping on an oversized shirt that was Julians.

"I know, but it's so hard when your fiancé is so dang fine." I smiled as I walked him out to the kitchen to grab him a water.

"I know, I know, but you need to get your fine ass to the stadium to kick some buffalos." He took the water with a chuckle.

"You're going to be there right?" He asked, looking a little concerned that maybe I wouldn't be there.

"Babe, of course I'm going to be there, just like how I've been to every other game this season. I'll be front row on your guys's sidelines. You could literally turn around and see me if you wanted, but don't, cause you'll need to focus."

He nodded as he opened the door, about to head out.

"Oh wait, one more thing Sam." He said opening it back up and I twirled back around to meet him.

"Yeah?" I asked, thinking he may of forgot his keys or phone.

"I love you." I broke out with a smile before I kissed him once again.

"I love you too, now get going."

"Aye, aye captain." I laughed as I closed the door, loving this man entirely too much.

Today was a monday night game and even though it was a later game, Julian still had to be there bright and early to go through briefing, practicing and whatever else that comes with it. I of course did not have to be there until much later when the game was going to actual start.

I spent most of my day just fooling around, cruising the internet and looking at twitter. Ever since me and Julian had gone public about our engagement, the love from the fans for me has grown and so has the hate. I just wished that people would understand that we loved each other, but there are some that just don't respect the lives of players and the people in them.


"Hello!" A fan that looked to be a young girl with black hair yelled excitedly as she looked up at me. The stadium was starting to finally fill up and I came early to get my seat ready and relax before it began. I like to sit with the fans, they always had the nicest things and funniest things to say and I always felt that being in the crowd is what made football special, the excitement of sharing it with the people around you.

The little girl was wearing a Gronk jersey and had a patriots beanie hat on and was accompanied by an older boy, who looked to be twenty at the oldest. He had blonde hair and had Julians jersey on.

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