Chapter 7

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Morning came and as it did, I woke up with no one next to me. At first I freaked out, wondering where Julian had gone, but then I had remembered that Julian lost his memory and was sleeping in the guest bed. It was hard to imagine that this was the living arrangement at the moment and my life had come to this, I had to fix it. I had to make him remember or I was going to go crazy.

I made my way out to the kitchen and saw a quiet kitchen and living room, unusual for me to be up first. I made my usual, a strawberry smoothie, and when that did not wake him up, I figured I had to do it myself. 

I made my way to the guest bedroom and knocked on the door, no answer. I waited a few more seconds before knocking again and again, no answer. 

'Screw it' I thought and entered the room to find him sound asleep, the blankets everywhere and everything completely disheveled. One thing that has not changed, is that Julian likes to sleep with almost nothing on, except boxers at the least. It was one thing to wake up to it every morning and have it every night. It's another thing to instantly seemingly lose it all and have to stare from a distance. 

I snapped myself out of my own daze and poked him in the face, waiting for a response, but he just moved slightly, grabbing his face, but not waking up. 

"Julian, Julian wake up." I said in a loud tone, but not quite yelling. Slowly his eyes opened, ah, still sleepy Julian is a cute Julian. 

"Mm, what?" He mumbled, shifting himself to be more comfortable I assumed. "You have to get up, we are going to go look at places that might spark your memory today. I made a smoothie for you." Nothing had his attention until I said smoothie and he almost instantly awoke. 

"S-smoothie?" I chuckled as I walked out of the room. "Get ready and then you can have it." I felt like a mom with a child, I practically was.

A few minutes later, Julian came walking out, rubbing his eyes as I handed him a cup with the smoothie inside. 

"This is good." He said, taking a sip and sitting down. "Who taught you to make smoothies this good?" He kept drinking and I smiled at him. 

"You did." He finished the cup in a matter of seconds and smiled down in it. "I'm a damn good teacher then." I sighed as I took his cup, rinsing it out. 

"So are you ready to go out and see if we can job that memory of yours?" He nodded as he grabbed a jacket and we walked out. We hopped into the car and I was driving this time, since I knew where these places were. 

"First were going to a coffee shop." He looked at me confused. "Didn't we just have a smoothie?" We started down the road and I giggled. "We're not getting anything there, it's a place we share memories with." 

The drive was a good forty minutes since it was around Gillette, but the whole time Julian just stared at his phone, still catching up on the past year. Finally we made it and as we got out of the car, memories flooded back of how this all began, I was hoping it would do the same for him. 

"This is The Bean." We didn't go in quite yet, but decided to get a look at first. I turned my attention to Julian, studying his stare. "So what memory is this for us?" He asked, walking closer. "It's where we met. I used to work here and you walked in one day." 

Finally we walked in and I was surprised by how much it had not changed at all, it all looked the same.  New management though, thank goodness. We neared the table and I took a menu to go to let Julian look at. 

"Why didn't I just go to Dunkins?" He asked, taking the menu. "It was packed and you came in here." He shrugged as he looked at the menu. 

"What's a Morning Glory?" My eyes shot up at him, hearing that familiar phrase come out of his mouth. "It's a caffeinated coffee. H-how did you pick that one?" I asked, pointing at it. "It just kinda caught my eye." I looked closer at him. "Does it make you think of anything?" He looked at it for a moment and shrugged. 

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