Chapter 19

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"Can I talk to Sam alone?" Julian finally said, messing with his hands, looking shocked and nervous and Danny looked completely white. In his mind, his worst fear had to of been coming true and I just felt nervous to talk to him about this.

Danny said nothing, but walked away, taking a look back at me and smiling sympathetically, I returned it. 

Julian braced himself against the balcony and I held my arms close to my body, trying to think of what to say.

"So, you went to Danny's I presume when you were mad at me and I was drunk?" Julian finally asked, looking downward and avoiding eye contact, even though I was looking directly at him.

"Yeah, I did. He was the only person I could of think of at the moment."

"And you guys kissed?" I immediately piped up.

"No, he kissed me." I didn't want to throw Danny under the bus, I wanted to make him look better, but I also didn't want Julian to think that I engaged or was equal parts in this kiss.

"Can I just hear what happened, the whole thing?" He finally looked at me and I had felt so bad. He looked confused and maybe a little hurt, but he wasn't screaming or yelling, which I was surprised by.

"We were talking when I came over and then he kissed me. I immediately broke it up and yelled at him and he feels really bad about it. Nothing else happened, I promise." 

"You promise?" Julian asked, hurt in his eyes and I put his hand in my mind.

"I promise Julian. I promise on my life." He took a deep breath and looked away once again. I had never felt this before, the feeling of wanting to be forgiven so deeply and feeling so horrible about what happened, even if I wasn't the one who started any of it.

"Can I ask you a question Sam?" I nodded and took a step closer as he finally looked me in the eyes. 

"Did you ever.." He stopped for a moment and looked away.

"Did you ever once that night ever think about leaving me? For how I acted, for everything that happened?" I was so taken aback by the question, I never thought that once!

"No, Julian, no. Never. I was mad so I ran away for a second. But never leave you. When Danny kissed me, it was nothing. I feel nothing with him, I feel nothing with anyone else. I feel everything when I'm with you. Don't think for one second I would ever think that." He turned to me and I hugged him tight.

"That eases my mind a lot." He said, finally chuckling before hugging me tightly. 

"Do you forgive me?" I asked and he nodded.

"You did not start it or kiss him or anything. I mean, I was hurt and maybe a little afraid. I was afraid when you didn't come home that night. But since then, it's been great and I plan on making our life great and I won't let such a small thing get in the way." I finally broke out into a smile, loving this man entirely too much.

"I'm sorry I wasn't going to tell you. I wanted to, but-"

"It's all good. If it was as insignificant as it really seems to be, it has no effect on who we are." I was amazed by how well he was taking this.

"How are you taking this so well? I would of thought you would be screaming and yelling." I asked, curious to how he was so composed. Most guys would of flipped their shit.

"Well, yelling at you last time, even if I was drunk, drove you away and even if it was an accident, in the arms of someone else to be consoled and I don't like the thought of that, I hate it. I want to be the one consoling you and loving you, not the one yelling and hurting you. So I don't want to, I'd rather just talk to you about it now." I looked at him in awe. Julian is a grown man, has been since I've known him, but he has definitely matured.

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