Chapter 2

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"How was your lunch with Danny?" I asked as Julian walked in and plopped on the couch next to me. 

"It was good." Julian quietly said, sighing heavily. I knew from just that, it was not good. 

"So how was it really?" I shifted myself to face him better as he looked at me, tired looking.

"Talor just broke up with him and he's pretty shaken up by it." So that's why Danny was acting so weird when I saw him.

"Is that why he's been acting so quiet and reserved? Like more than usual for him?" Julian nodded, rubbing his face.

"Yeah. I noticed it too, but he hadn't talked about it. Apparently he told me though that they have been having problems for awhile, this was the end result of it all." I felt bad for Danny, I knew he just wasn't right lately.

"Poor Danny." I said, looking away. It always sucks to end a relationship, even more so when you aren't the one who ends it.

"But we'll never get like that." Julian said as he took my hand, stroking it with his thumb.

"Promise?" I asked, scooting closer. "Promise. I won't leave you for anything in the world." I smiled and kissed him. "Good, cause you're stuck with me."

We sat for a minute in silence as he played with the ring on my finger and I thought fondly back on that day. 

"I can't wait for our wedding day." Julian said, still playing with the ring. "Me neither, I just can't wait to be married to you." He smiled and looked up to me. "I can't wait half because I love you and half because this is so much work." I took my hand away and grunted, leaving him laughing. 

"I'm kidding! It's because I love you and you know that." I sighed and looked at him making a silly grin at me and as hard as I tried to not smile, I had to.

We had set our wedding to December seventh. Their wasn't really a reason, we just picked that day, because it was a monday and we could have a few days to ourselves before the next game and it would be before Christmas. The only valid reason for having it during football season, which many would say is insane, is that we both wanted a snow wedding very badly, so we decided to make it work. Everything was practically done. The dress, the cake, all of it. 

"It would be so fun if it actually snowed on our wedding." I said, looking out the window. It had not yet snowed in Boston, but I knew it was supposed to snow within the week at some point.

"I bet it will." He said, following my gaze out the window to Boston below. 

"Either way it won't matter though, cause I'm marrying the most sexy man in the universe." He chuckled before pulling me onto his lap. "Well I'm marrying the sexiest barista I ever met." I started to laugh hard remembering how this all began. 

"It wasn't even a year ago, but it seems like such a different time." I reminisced and he just slowly smiled.

"The best decision I ever made was to choose that coffee shop over Dunkin's hands down." I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me on his lap still.

"I was just so surprised that you came back. Why did you come back?" I lifted my head to ask him.

"I just simply thought you were beautiful. I mean, I did think that it would just be a friends with benefits situation strictly, but instead I fell in love." I looked into his eyes and just could not believe I was marrying this beautiful man. His beautiful blue eyes. 

"Blue eyes." I whispered, smiling into them. He cracked me a smug look and then it turned confused.

"Blue eyes?" He asked, cocking his head. "You have blue eyes, so beautiful. I mean, I've always known that, but they are. That's your new nickname." I said, still enamored in them. "But I liked sex on legs." He pouted giving me a puppy dog face. "You're sex on legs in the bedroom. Everywhere else you're blue eyes."

He finally shook his head and then smiled wide.

"Okay Morning Glory." I shot back confused. "Morning Glory?" He chuckled before staring straight at me, waiting for me to say something else. "You don't remember?" I had to think, but I still wasn't getting anything. "It was the coffee you suggested to me the first time I walked into the shop." Suddenly I was taken back and I grinned, thank God he did walk in that shop that day.

"I remember now." I said, breathing in deeply. Man we've come far. 

I finally looked back down at him and caught his blue eyes again. I could see everything about his man in his eyes. Slowly we were leaning in and before I knew it, our lips had touched. It wasn't a strong or forceful kiss, but rather delicate and slow, but sometimes those are the most powerful. 

I shifted myself from sitting to straddling him as his hands worked to lift my shirt off my head. I threw it away from us before it started to get more forceful and heated. 

"Look what you do to me blue eyes." I said in between kisses, our bodies shifting constantly. 

"You don't even know what you do to me morning glory."

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