Chapter 23

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Photo credit of Ellie ;)

I took a deep sigh as I walked back into the stadium that caused so many nightmares of my own for the past few months. 

"You okay?" Ellie said, grabbing my arm lightly and giving me a worried look.

"Kinda. I don't really know yet." I said, continuing to walk as we made our way closer to the field.

"I read up on what happened at that game in November. It was a fluke happening Sam, I guarantee nothing is going to happen today." It was easy to say coming from someone who didn't have to experience it firsthand, but I smiled her way and nodded, she was trying her best and I loved that about her.

"So, where do you go?" I asked, pointing to either side of the field.

"I'm going to put myself around the fifty, but I can move up and down to get the photos I need if I want. As long as I get a good shot, I don't think they care." 

She carried a huge camera bag on her shoulder and she looked strained just carrying it, but as always, Ellie was strong and she wouldn't ask for help if she really didn't need it.

"I'm going to get set up, can you go see Julian before the game?" I laughed as soon as she asked me.

"Not really. Last week I ran into the locker room and Belichick was not happy about it. I have to wait and see if I can say hi during warmups." I took a breathe and started to head over to the seats.

"Well, I'll see you from the field." She said and gave me a hug, walking to her spot as I went to go take mine.

It wasn't long before the stands started to fill with those orange jerseys I loathed so badly. I didn't hate the fans, they were just people trying to support their team, it just gave me bad feelings seeing them.

The teams took to warm ups, unfortunately the Broncos were closer to me than the boys. Julian was out with the rest of team, pads and all, catching and running with the balls, getting ready to do his thing on the field. I was so fixated on watching him, I didn't notice the orange jersey walk my way on the field.

"Hey there cutie." I looked down to the field and could see a familiar face.

"Keep walking Brock." I said, completely disregarding his existence.

"Come on, don't you want to talk to a real winner?" I finally looked down at his smug ass face, made me sick.

"By real winner, do you mean backup because the teams daddy finally came home and they through you back in the dog house where you belong?" He stared another second before mumbling something under his breath before finally walking away, leaving me smiling.

Around the same time, I noticed Julian headed my way in his white uniform, dapper as ever in my opinion. He ran to the wall and pulled his glove off, before lifting it to grab mine.

I leaned over and was able to meet him for a kiss before he moved his mouth to my ear.

"Are you going to be okay?" He whispered just so only I would hear.

"Yeah, I will." I whispered back and nodded and pulled his face away and look into my eyes, his looked of worry, for me most likely.

"It's more this stadium I don't enjoy being back in." I said, looking around, before I could feel his hand touch my cheek lightly.

"Hey, don't look at the stadium, don't even think about it. Just look and think about me. I'll be okay, promise." I smiled softly and kissed him once again before he sighed and let my hand go, putting his glove back on and starting to walk away as the team went back in before the game started. He looked back at me and gave his 'i love you' sign, I reciprocated, and he ran back to meet with the team.

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