Chapter 17

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"Hey, Morning Glory." 

My eyes started to slowly open as I heard my familiar name, that Julian had given me, be called.

"Mm.." I mumbled, rolling around in bed to face up and look at Julian who was already up and chipper as could be.

"Come on, get out of bed grumpy." He smiled down at me, I wasn't amused. I hated to wake up, absolutely hated it. 

"But, five more minutes." I whined, pulling a pillow over my head.

"No, come on." Suddenly Julians arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me from the bed as I screamed, half shocked, half amused.

"Hey! I was sleeping!" I yelled, hitting him as he just laughed. 

"It'll be worth it I promise." He said as we walked out of the room.

"The view over here sucks." I said, staring at the ground as he walked through the apartment. I could feel his hand slap my ass and I remembered I was just wearing panties while I was asleep and my ass was basically straight in his face as he carried me.

"Yeah, well I love mine." I grumbled as he finally set me down, but facing himself.

"Okay, I'm gonna cover your eyes." He covered my eyes and turned me around.

"Julian what are you doing?" I asked, wanting to know already.

"Merry Christmas!" He pulled his hands away and I saw the living room adorned with Christmas decorations. The tree was there and so beautiful. A few presents under the tree, the door had a reef and there even was a mistletoe in the kitchen. 

"Oh my God!" I screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"How?!" I asked, turning to meet him as he smiled along with me.

"When you went to bed last night, I just knew I had to do something. I know you said that I was your gift and all that, but I wanted you to have a real Christmas. I know you said that you haven't had a good Christmas in awhile, so I wanted to make sure this one was good." He looked so smug, like what he did wasn't a big deal, but to me, it was everything.

"But how, how did you get all this in just a few hours?" I asked, gesturing to everything.

"Well, called in a few favors from a few people. Santa helped out too." I smirked and kissed him lightly.

"I guess I'm going to have to thank Santa later." I whispered and he purred, pulling me close. As we started to get lost in our own moment, kissing and touching, he pulled away.

"Okay, I could really go somewhere with that and you know I will, but I have one more surprise. You're gonna need pants." I cocked my head and he pointed to the room to go quickly and I sighed. 

"Okay whatever." I said, running to throw on the nearest sweats I could find.

"You know those are mine, right?" He asked, laughing at me, his arms crossed.

"So? They fit me good." I said, modeling them.

"Well, makes sense. I fit you good in all senses." I started to laugh and point at him.

"Hey, you're the one that said we couldn't be getting all sexy up in here so don't even." 

He threw his hands up in the air and I almost forgot about his other surprise. 


"Your surprise?" I asked and he looked as if a lightbulb in his head went off.

"Oh yeah! Okay, now I know Christmas means a lot to you and you wanted it to be perfect, but to make it truly perfect, go open the door." 

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