Chapter 9

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"Sam, Sam wake up."

My eyes slowly opened to see Julian standing over me, hand on my arm shaking me lightly. 

"Julian, w-what do you want?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and reaching for the lamp, observing that it was still dark.

"I remembered something." My eyes suddenly were wide awake and I sat up, grabbing his hand.

"Really?!" I asked, excited and smiling. 

"Yeah, I remember a name." My smile faded, he didn't remember everything then.

I sighed and still sat there as he took a seat next to me on the bed.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked. He looked excited, I would be too if I remembered something after not remembering my whole last year.

"I was just asleep a few minutes ago and I had this dream and this name just popped up somehow and I had to ask now before I forgot and fell asleep."

I sighed, waving my hand.

"The name?"


Oh God no.

I never wanted to remember that name ever again or be reminded of it. 

My face scrunched as I wrapped my arms around myself, looking down. 

"He was a horrible, horrible person." I said, not even wanting to look at him, trying to just get this name and feeling out of my head.

"Who was he?" I shook my head.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I said, turning away. I didn't want to relive it all again explaining it to him.

"Sam, please? I think it might help. I've been remembering things here and there and if I can remember more, it would help a lot."

I took a deep breath. This was for Julian, this was for us.

"Adam was a boyfriend I had before you and I were together as a couple. After we broke up, he became my stalker."

I turned back to look at him and he looked confused.

"So, why do I remember that name?"

"Well, he was my stalker and you were worried for me, since he had some violent encounters with me. One night you went out with Danny and Rob and Adam followed me home from work and caught me in our own apartment. He knocked me out, drugged me, stripped me and then I presumed he called you, because when I woke up, you were fighting him."

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to take it all in, it had to be a lot for someone to process.

"What happened that night?"

I looked into his eyes and felt so broken. I thought he was going to die that night, so afraid to lose him. I was so afraid to lose him now too.

"You and him fought until he took his gun and pointed it to you. Then Danny and Rob came in and tackled him. He shot at you but missed and then Danny forced me to another room. After that, I heard a shot and I thought I lost you, but it was Adam who had been shot by the cops. And that was it."

'And that was it'

 Were it so easy.

"Thats, thats a lot. He was a psycho." I nodded and took his hand in mine again, looking at him. 

"I thought I lost you that night. I didn't, but then I lost you on the one place I never thought I would, the field."

The sight of him on the field, not moving. The memories of Adam, the feeling of losing him. I just couldn't right now.

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