Chapter 4

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"Miss you can't come back here." The medic told me as they rushed Julian back into a room, a room I was apparently not allowed to be in. 

"LIKE HELL." I walked past her, only to be grabbed and dragged back by two male nurses, but I fought them with all my might. "Please, please! I need to be with him!" I screamed and yelled, but they brought me to the waiting room and sat me down. 

"Miss, you can't be back there. It's only for the doctors and medics. We will come out and tell you more information when there is some." As they started to walk away I grabbed one of them. 

"Please, please take care of him. Please." My tears rolled down my face and they looked like they pitied me, but they kept walking. 

I took my seat back in the waiting room, but it felt like hell. What was I going to do? Read a fucking magazine? Search twitter and instagram and take my mind off of it? I couldn't! Julian was back there, back there with God knows what of an injury and i had to wait here and be in literal hell. 

It seemed like forever, but after awhile, a familiar face walked into the waiting room. 

"Any news?" Danny took a seat next to me. He looked battered up from the game that must of ended just awhile ago and he still had some black left on his face, but he had regular clothes back on now. 

"No, just silence." He gave me a pat, which sent me back into tears. I didn't want to cry in front of him, but I couldn't help it.

"I'm scared Danny, I'm really fucking scared." He immediately drew me into a hug and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his shoulder. 

"Shh, please Sam, he's going to be okay." I pulled away and held his arms. "But how do you know?" 

He smiled and I wondered, how could someone smile in the midst of it all?

"Because he's Julian. He doesn't just jump into the fire, he taunts it, he runs right through it and beats it. It's what Julian does." 

I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe it, but I wondered, maybe Julian ran into a fire this time that was just going to be the stronger of the two.


As time went on, more of the boys filed in. Tom and Rob took a seat next to me. Tom on one side and Danny on the other held my hands as I my feet fidgeted, waiting, just waiting. 

Finally a doctor walked out and as he walked up to me, I felt as if I was bracing for the worst.

"Samantha Willows?" I stood up at the sound of my full name and walked over. 

"He has suffered a severe concussion from the impact he took. He has not yet woken up, but we think it's only a matter of time for him to come to. You can go see him if you want." I thanked the doctor before looking back at Danny and Tom as they smiled sadly before I walked to the room.

Of all the things in life they prepare you for, they don't prepare you for the sight of someone you love laying in a hospital bed. I wanted to start crying again, but I held it back as I took a seat by the bed. 

He looked pained, stressed, who wouldn't be after hit like that? I took his hand and softly stroked it. 

"Come on Julian, you gotta wake up. You gotta wake up and be Jules again." Nothing.

The only movement was his chest rising and falling from him breathing. I've always seen Julian so strong, even through the whole Adam ordeal, he was tough. But now, he just looked so broken, so defeated. I hated it.

After a minute of being alone, Danny knocked on the door. 

"Is it okay if I come in?" I nodded and he took a seat next to me, looking at his buddy.

"You have to wake up Jules so you can be a pain in my ass again." I laughed the slightest, the first time since the whole thing started, but it soon left.

"I say only a day and he's back." I sighed, I hoped Danny was right. 

After awhile of being sad, I decided I wanted to talk to someone, talk about anything.

"Julian told me that you and Talor broke up. I'm sorry." He shrugged, but he kept his gaze down.

"Things happen, people change. Me and Talor just weren't meant to be together." I could tell he was trying to be strong, but I knew it was tearing him up inside.

"You're going to find someone so awesome Danny, trust me." He smiled and looked at me, but then it left.

"I wish I could believe that right now Sam." 

I wanted to make my boys all feel better, just scoop them up and make all the problems go away. But I sat with two of my favorite men in the world, one who I loved more than the world itself, hurt and broken, and another who's heart was teared apart. 

"Did you guys pull a win out of this?" I finally asked, hoping maybe something good happened for once.

"No, we lost, but Talib did come up to the team and apologize for what happened." I 'pfft' and looked back at Julian.

"Sure, he's not the one in the hospital bed." I had some resentment at this point and I knew he could obviously tell.

"I know it's easy to put blame on Talib, but pin it on his Sam, at least not all of it. Julian lowered his head too." I breathed deeply before rubbing my face. 

"I know, I know, but why? Why did he do it?" I looked to Julian, hoping he could give me an answer. He had known Julian for so long that if someone could pick Julians brain into what he was thinking, Danny could.

"You know Sam, it's football. In the heat of the moment, sometimes you do something and it doesn't turn out how you think it will. I mean, in that moment, I probably would of slid down and avoided it, but that isn't Julian. He wants to get as far as he can and if that means being tackled and going through hell, he'll do it." 

I knew he was right, but damn if I wasn't angry at Julian for doing this.

"Come on blue eyes." 

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