Chapter 35

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There are no words to really describe how I felt staring at the man in front of me, my father. He had a smug smile on his face and was holding a pack of meat in his hands.

"I thought that this year I would join fourth of July." He said, trying to make a step forward to come in, but I didn't budge.

"How about no." I said and he stopped, his face confused.

"No? Am I not allowed to spend time with my family?" I 'pfft'.

"Family? Okay. Well, this family does not need or want you. I tried contacting you, to see you, to have you at my wedding and you baled on all of that, so you are not apart of my family anymore."

I was closing the door, but stopped as soon as I heard someone else.

"Roger?" My mom said surprised, eyes wide and my dad just smiled, ugh, I hated it.

"Hello Marie." I reluctantly let him in, seeing as I wouldn't be able to hold him back. I found Julian standing by my mom, but instead of going to him, I instinctively stood by my mom, to protect her of course.

"What are you doing here?" She said, handing the plate of burgers she had to Julian, who set them on the table. 

"I wanted to join fourth of July this year." He said and the look on my mothers face was of something not amused.

"Roger, why are you here?" She asked again, because if anyone knew his bullshit best, it was my mom.

He was silent for a moment, about to say something, when my brother walked in from the grill.

"Hey Julian can you come check these burgers, I'm not sure if they are-"

He stopped as soon as he saw dad, the one plate in his hand he had dropped, shattering on the floor, but that wasn't the shocking thing.

"Matt! My boy!" My dad set his plate on the counter and walked over to Matt, or tried to before I stepped in the way.

"Samantha, let me see your brother." He said, a little frustrated in me, but I stood firm.

"You do not walk near or touch Matt." I said through my teeth, Julian sensing my anger came to stand near me.

"This must be Julian." He said, completely disregarding what I said and his demeanor changed to cold, colder than usual.

"Hello sir." Julian said and I stared at the two of them, scared at what was going to happen. I knew he didn't like Julian, obviously.

"So you're the man that tricked my little girl into marriage and knocked her up."

"Dad!" I yelled angrily, my mom joining in too.

"Roger you need to leave." She said, standing on the other side of Julian.

"What did I do?! I'm just pointing out the obvious! Do you really approve of this jock marrying Sam, really Marie? I thought you were going to be a better mom than that." 

Oh I can't fucking do this anymore.

"Okay Roger, you need to leave. You are not my dad, you are not wanted here, so LEAVE." I snarled, I was the protector of my family, always have been and I wasn't tolerating him talking so badly about any of my family.

"Look at your belly Sam, getting so big." Again, completely disregarding my last comment and went to touch my stomach, but Julian stepped in, grabbing my dads hand before it touched me.

"Do not touch her." Julian said, letting go of his hand finally and my dad stared back at Julian with more anger than I've ever seen. 

"Don't touch me boy." He said back. It was tense in here as silence overcame and all that could be seen was the tense stare down that Julian and my dad was having. 

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