Chapter 20

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Kind of a fun chapter, we need this don't we ;) enjoy.

"Hey babe, can you come here?" 

I was trying to put our wedding back together, trying to figure out who could be available, who I would have to cut and what to do exactly to get everything figured out. 

"We're just about to leave, what's up?" He asked, rushing out as he jumped to put on his shoes. He was getting ready to go back to practice. He has gone to a few, but they were picking up as playoff season was in full effect and only two weeks away for the first game.

"We need to talk about our wedding date. We need to set it up so I can start putting this all back together." 

Julian took a deep breath and stared at the papers on the table, it was overwhelming for him. How to run complicated routes, juke defenders and make touchdowns, Julian had that. Flowers, invitations, wedding stuff in general? Julian did not have that. Although he did have taste.

"Man, um, I'm not really sure. I'm not sure how the next few weeks are going to pan out, because playoffs are so unpredictable. It could end in a few weeks, it could go on to February." 

I sighed, I knew this too. I just wanted to be married to this man already, because I loved him and I also wanted to be done with this.

"Then hold it off till March or April?" Julian laughed, grabbing my hand.

"No way. Early February, right after the Super Bowl, whether we make it or not." I laughed.

"Really? You would really sacrifice you celebrating a Super Bowl just to marry little ol' me?" I said, batting my eyes and he kissed me on the cheek suddenly. 

"Marrying you would be the best celebration ever babe. It's going to be one huge party with everyone we love and then after, we get to have our own crazy private party." He wiggled his eyebrows and I just pushed him lightly.

Oh Julian, you inappropriate man you.

"Okay, then when in February?" I asked, trying to write things down.

"February ninth, on a Tuesday." I cocked my head at him.

"Any reason?" I asked, curious at such a random day.

"Not really. It's a day, a day after the Super Bowl and a few days before Valentines Day. I don't want to do it on Valentines Day, because I'd rather have two days of love then just one crammed altogether." 

Of course that's his reasoning.

"Okay then, February ninth it is." I said, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"Okay, now can we go?" I looked at him oddly and laughed.

"We? Aren't you going to train?" I asked as he stood up and grabbed his bag.

"Yeah and you're coming with me." I 'pfft'.

"Yeah right. I don't think Bill would want me there, it's kinda serious training right now don'ta think?" I asked, writing still.

"I want you to come, I don't care what he thinks. Just one practice. I want you to come watch me and see that I'm okay." I looked up at him and he looked serious. He was worried about me worrying and I smiled softly.

"Just to settle my mind?" I asked, getting up and slipping on a pair or boots and a jacket.

"Yeah, so you can feel better about me being out there again." I smiled wide and kissed him.

"I love you." He chuckled as we walked out.

"I love you more."


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