Chapter 28

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"Morning beautiful." I heard Julians soft voice, my eyes opening slowly to his beautiful, sleepy blue ones.

"Morning handsome." I replied, stretching, making sure not to whack him and he pulled me close.

"Let's just stay in bed today." He said, shoving his face into my bare chest and I smiled as he kissed my chest softly.

"I wish, but don't you have something to do today at Gillette?" I asked and he sighed heavily.

"Damn. I'm supposed to meet with Tommy Boy." I smiled at his nickname for Tom.

"Well, you shouldn't cancel. Go out and see him. I'll be here when you get home, I always am." I whispered and he looked up before kissing me softly, lingering a little long as he pulled away.

"I know, I just enjoy being here with you so much." I nodded in agreement.

"Same, baby. But don't let him down. You already drop enough balls." He sat up, clutching his heart like he was so hurt.

"Ouch!" He yelled out, falling back onto the bed and I climbed on top of him.

"Kidding babe, you know you're the best out there, and in here." He wiggled his eyebrows, kissing me again, before finally getting up.

"I better be, but it's hard being the best when I got such good competition in bed." I smiled proudly.

"I have been told I'm a monster in bed." He winked, before finding his boxers to throw on.

"I didn't put a ring on it for nothing." I rolled my eyes getting out of bed with him and getting dressed as well before brushing me teeth and hair.

"How about after I get out we head for lunch?" He asked and I nodded, before spiting out my toothpaste.

"Sounds great babe. Maybe that new burger joint down the street?"

He smiled, before hugging me tight.

"I love you so much." I laughed, pushing him away as I threw my hair up. 

"Love ya too bubs." I said and he laughed again.

"You with stealing my words, what's with you?" He asked and I looked at him and winked back.

"You got good words, I like to take them and make them mine. I mean, I did the same with you didn't I?" He nodded in defeat.

"Yeah, yeah you did. But you see, it's a trick. I let you take me, because I wanted you. I won really."

"Oh please, you admitted your love first." He looked at me in a playful way before dropping his head.

"Fine, so I was a sap, big deal." He crossed his arms, before I grabbed them and uncrossed them, kissing him quickly.

"I love when you'r sappy, don't ever stop babe, it's good on you." 

He finally perked up again.

"If you like it, I like it." 

We finished getting ready and he threw his jacket on, it was snowing here now, almost blizzard conditions, but not so bad you couldn't get around, even though I did worry sometimes.

"Be safe today okay?" I asked, kissing his forehead.

"Promise babe." I never wanted him hurt like he was again, it hurt me too much to see him that way.

"Be back for lunch in a couple hours, deal?" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course." He pulled me into a hug, tightening it before letting go.

"What's that!" He pointed behind me and I turned quickly.

"What?!" I yelled, before feeling his hand quickly smack my ass. "Did you not think I was going to leave and not smack it?" I turned back around, sighing and rolling my eyes.

"No, I really expect it now. Except I don't know why you do it, it just gets me all horny and then you leave and I have to do the job myself." I said pouting and he bit his lip, god it was sexy when he did that.

"Don't worry, I'll be home in time to help you with that." I kissed him again, biting his lip as I pulled away, making him growl.

Finally he turned away and grabbed his bag and I saw my opportunity.

I smacked his ass and he jumped in response before looking back at me.

"What? You got a fine booty too." He nodded, rubbing his butt.

"Okay, okay, I respect game." I laughed as I started to shut the door.

"I love you." I said and he smiled, kissing me one last time, never enough kisses.

"I love you too. See you in awhile." 

I shut the door, loving that man entirely too much and I looked down at my hand, smiling at the ring that concreted us together, in an amazing way though.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and pouring some cereal and milk, before starting to eat.

I did some cleaning, watched a few episodes of Friends, before I felt something.

I suddenly felt nauseous, like someone hitting my stomach with food poisoning and I ran to the bathroom, immediately throwing up. I was sweating, I was hot, what the hell was going on? 

It was that milk, it had to be.

I grabbed my phone, before returning to the toilet, vomiting again before dialing El, telling her to come now and her agreeing as she ran over.

"What took you so long?" I mumbled as she walked into the bathroom, seeing me clutched to the toilet. I hadn't thrown up in awhile, but I wasn't taking the chance of leaving at the moment.

"I had to grab something. So you're just sick? Out of nowhere?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. It had to be the milk right? I mean, it has a few more days left before it's expired but milk can go bad quickly right?"

She looked down at me in disbelief at what I was saying.

"Right?" I asked again and she just pulled her bag up to her and grabbed something.

"El say something." She sighed.

"I think you need to take this." She handed me a box, a pregnancy test and I laughed as I threw it to the waste side.

"That's funny El. We use protection."

"Protection can fail sometimes. Birth control, condoms, it doesn't matter, they are not 100% Sam."

I looked at the box and back at her.

"El, I'm not pregnant, I have food poisoning." I finally flushed, brushing my teeth once again and grabbed the box, shoving it into the cabinet before walking out with El into the living room.

"Look, I have something to go do, but just think about it Sam." She said, hugging me and I sighed, letting her go, walking her out and closing the door.

I wasn't pregnant, just food poisoning, from the milk. That's all it was. I was fine now, I'll be fine.


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