Chapter 29

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The few weeks that followed the day I first vomited were some of the worst weeks of my life.

Being married to the most gorgeous man on earth, who wants to have more sex than possible, since we are newlyweds, and being nauseous half the time, is not the funnest thing to handle or hide.

Morning sex was Julian's favorite, maybe it was the groggy and silliness of it, or maybe it was the promise of a good day with a good start, but it was incredibly hard to make sure I woke up before him, throw up, take something to feel better, go back to bed and pretend to be asleep and wake up with him to have our 'routine'. 

He wasn't on to me as far as I could tell, but Julian was observant, funny enough. He has not given me any clues though that he has any idea.

I am still valiantly denying I am pregnant in any way, still believing I'm just sick, but I am starting to get seriously worried. People aren't this sick this long, but still.

"Enjoy the rest of your week you guys, see you next Wednesday." I said, wiping my sweat off my forehead with a towel as I watched my class leave for the week. 

I was starting to feel nauseous again, but I made sure to run to the bathroom before throwing up. I ran and threw up, looking down into the toilet, hating my whole life. Pregnancy was starting to become the only option now and I was going to have to look at it seriously here real soon.

And what about Julian? What the hell was I going to do with him? I couldn't just hide this from him much longer, he was going to realize soon when I started to get fatter in just one area, possibly more. Probably wouldn't mind the breasts growing bigger, but that was not the issue I had at the moment.

After collecting myself, wiping my mouth and swishing some mouth wash, that I now keep with me since this has started, I left, returning home. 


"I'm home." I said, dropping my workout bag on the ground and unzipping my jacket. There was no response, but I waited again.

"Julian?" I asked again, waiting for a response and yet again, getting nothing. 

"Okay are you home or not?" I said once more, putting my water bottle on the counter and at this moment, I could see Julian finally leaving the our bedroom.

"Why didn't you answer me?" I asked, somewhat angered that he would just blatantly ignore me.

"I don't know, it was about as easy as keeping a secret from me." He said, a fury in his brow and a cocky stance as he stood. 

"Okay? What did I keep from you?" I said, looking at him confused. "Sam, I know you. You're keeping something from me." 

I walked over to him, kissing him softly and rubbing my hand softly on his cottony shirt. "Julian, I love you and I married you. I'm not ever going to lie to you." I said, smiling at him. 

"Okay then please explain this." Julian brought from behind his back the pregnancy test box that Ellie had given me that day I first threw up and he held it in plane view. I backed up slightly, pointing at the box, speechless.

"W-where did you get that box?" I asked, confused and not at all ready to handle and confront this. 

"I was looking for the cleaner in the bathroom when I opened the cabinet and found this. Care to explain?" He asked, leaning against the counter, moving the box slightly. He looked somewhat amused by me being shocked, but he still looked angry as well. I wished he would stop holding it and playing with it. 

"Ellie gave it to me as a gag, you know, she thinks all we do is have sex and that I'm going to get pregnant so she thought it would be funny, you know Ellie, always thinking she's soo funny." I said, fake laughing, trying to get myself out of this hole I had just fell in and he wasn't buying it.

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