Chapter 27

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"That was amazing, like beyond amazing." I said as me and Julian stepped off our plane after our 16 hour flight back from Italy.

"We are definitely going to have to go back there again." He said, helping me with the carry ons as we made our way to baggage claim.

Me and Julian had spent the last week in Italy for our honeymoon, which was a beyond amazing place with gorgeous sights, rich history, to die for food and kind people with a rich culture. 

As we made our with our bags, we could spot my brother Matt as he stood with his sign. 

'Salmonella and J-dog'

"J-dog?" I asked, looking to Julian and he just shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea."

"Hey!" Matt said, bringing me into a huge hug and I hugged back. 

"Did you really have to write Salmonella Matty?" He smiled deviously and laughed. 

"Of course I did! I have a chance to write your name, I'm going to Salmonella." I punched him lightly as I slipped my coat on, getting ready to leave.

"Why J-dog?" Julian asked, taking the sign and studying it carefully.

"Don't really know why, I just thought it would be weird to put Salmonella and Julian, so I came up with a nickname, hope you don't mind J-dog." 

Julian looked up at Matt, glaring and Matt nervously laughed.

"No problem here Matilda." 

I started to bust up laughing, doubling over as Julian stood proudly, his arms crossed as Matts face fell.

"Matilda?! Please God no." He whined and I just laughed and laughed, grabbing onto Julian.

"Babe, that is the best ever. For now on you are Matilda." Matt grabbed my bag with force and started to storm out, us in tow.

"Oh come on Matilda, don't be like that!" Julian said, arms out to hug him as we followed behind, laughing all the while.

We packed his SUV full and hopped in, me and Julian in the backseat together, Matt driving up front, of course. It would be weird if we were all in the backseat...

"Anyways, I'm sure Italy was great." He said, still with a grudged tone, but trying to get his ego back.

"It was, so absolutely gorgeous." I said, thinking again of the warmth and beauty of it all.

"I'm sure you guys spent a lot of time out exploring it all." He said and I could feel Julians hand grab my own.

"Except when we were in bed doing other things." He whispered and I just hit him, making him go back to his regular seating and I could see Matt's eyes flash in the rear view mirror staring at me.

"What did you say?" He asked and Julian tried as he contained his laughter the best he could.

"N-nothing Matilda!" I chimed back, Julian finally letting his laughter out, Matt going back to his sourness as we drove back home finally.


"So good to be home." I said, dropping my stuff in the apartment, not even caring to unpack.

"I know, always good to be where it's familiar." Julian said, grabbing my hand and leading me to our room, falling onto the bed and bringing me into him, holding me close.

"Let's just do this for the rest of the day." I said, breathing into his shirt, him stroking my back lightly.

"You got it Mrs. Edelman, cuddling it is." And I smiled wide, it would never bore me to hear that.

"Can't believe I'm Mrs. Edelman, it's just, it's everything." I said, lifting my head to look up at him and he smiled down at me before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm glad I can call someone Mrs. Edelman and not think of my mom." I laughed lightly, grabbing onto his arm.

"Well, you called me that enough times in Italy that I think it has a whole new meaning."

He smirked and his brow raised.

"Well yeah, it's not just Mrs. Edelman my wife, it's.." He took a breath and looked me straight in the eyes, me waiting for the continuation of his sentence.

"It's god damn Mrs. Edelman, her body is magic." I kissed him softly and we smiled into it.

"I'm glad I can be so tantalizing." I rested my head again on his chest, my eyes closing, thoughts drifting away.

Just happy to be with him.

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