Hey Guys

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Hey all of you(I don't have a name for you people, we need to come up with a name for you guys, for my fans lol suggestions leave them below), so I swear I'm still here, I haven't died or anything, even though that just seems like the most probable answer right? lol Anyways, quick update on me, college is VERY stressful, I kinda want to not be in school right now, but I am. I took a summer class (bad choice) and its put me in a serious funk and I feel so burnt out with school. So in my burntoutness in school, this leads me to fall behind, which you can imagine, isn't good for a college student. If any of you know calculus, shoot me a message, please help me lol. 

Now for the part you actually came here for. I PROMISE I will have a few chapters updated by the end of this week. I know, I know, I said that before once, fell behind on my promise and I am so sorry, I really am. At this exact moment, I can't just put a chapter out because I like to put quality and time into my work and I think its better if I wait till I have time this week to sit down and really put my effort into these chapters than to spew out shit filled chapters, I think you would prefer this too. I have not quit, I have not left and I do in fact have a lot of things coming up in the future I will be doing on this account so I'm definitely not gone. I'll try my hardest to get a chapter to you tomorrow or Tuesday, but if not, definitely by the end of the week.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has commented and messaged me asking me to write and everything else, it means a lot to me that you guys care about my works and care about the characters, because believe me, I do too. Also, I'm really sorry I had to leave you guys on a cliff hanger, that's bad of me, I would hate me if I were you, but you guys don't, and I love you all for that.

Thank you for being patient with me and waiting, thank you for loving me and always giving me support, it does mean the world to me <3

I would love to get to know you guys more, maybe put my instagram down if you guys wonder who the person behind this writing is and I can put some faces to the people who are so supportive to me. If not, totally cool as well lol. 

Love you guys so much,


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