Chapter 30

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

My annoying phone alarm went off, scaring me out of a thought I was thinking about a few seconds ago.

"Ten minutes has passed." I said, grabbing my phone and shutting it off.

"Is it time?" Julian asked, looking at me curiously and I nodded slowly. 

"I'm going to go grab it." I said and I got up, walking to the bathroom to grab the pregnancy test. 

I saw it in there and part of me was really afraid to grab it, to see the answer. Whatever the answer was, it was going to change things, forever. I took a deep breath and grabbed it, closing my eyes. 

Finally, I opened them.


My breath caught as I stared at it, not really knowing how to process this information. I had already come to terms that this was the most likely possibility, but actually seeing it, it really made me realize. 

"I'm pregnant." I whispered and then I realized, Julian was still waiting. Finally I walked out with the test and he stood up, an expression of anticipation written across his face.

"It's positive, I'm pregnant." I showed him the test and immediately he broke into a smile, grabbing me tight. 

"This is, oh my god, this is so great." He said, starting to laugh and I had no idea how to react to his laughing.

"Are you actually excited about this?" I asked, worried it was just to make me feel better.

"Of course I am! Aren't you?" He asked me, stopping for a second and I didn't know what to say.

"I'm still processing it really. I guess part of me still thinks that you would be angry." I did think this, even though I knew he obviously wasn't.

"Baby, I could never be angry at you. It takes two to make a child and even though it wasn't planned, I couldn't be happier. Think of it this way, we, together, made something that is inside you, growing. It's us in the most beautiful form." I smiled, looking down at my stomach, hesitantly putting my hand over it.

"It's... it's us." I whispered, saying it to myself, this new perspective I had not seen. 

"Before we tell anyone, let's go to the doctors and confirm it for real." I looked up at him shocked.

"We can't go right now, we are going to have to call and make an appointment." I said, grabbing my phone, which he then grabbed from me.

"Babe, if they can see me on no notice, they will see you on no notice. We're going." He grabbed my hand, nearly dragging me out the door.


We arrived at the office and the doctors were nice enough to let me in, even though in my opinion, Julian was acting the 'I'm a superstar so I need superstar treatment' just a little too much. 

"You can tone it down you know." I said, grabbing his hand as we sat in the waiting room. I had already taken the test and was waiting for results.

"I just want to know now, don't you?" He asked and I laughed lightly.

"Well, yeah, but I also don't need you being a douche about it." He rolled his eyes and huffed, but I kissed his cheek, making him smile.

"I could be carrying your child, don't get mad at me." I said and he turned his face to me, shocked.

"Already playing that card? Geez Sam." I laughed as the doctor entered the room and Julian and I quieted down.

"So it is as you thought. You are pregnant." As if being told for the first time, Julian grabbed me into a hug again.

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