Chapter 21

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually getting pretty excited about this Danny story I have planned. Can't wait for that to come out, but first gotta finish the story of Julian and Sam ;) I appreciate all the comments and likes! Enjoy!

January 16, 2016

I rolled out of bed as I saw the note on the bed next to me. 

Game starts soon bubs, be there or be square. 

Kidding, I know you will. Love you to moon and back.

- blue eyes  

I smiled at his scribbles and the beautiful nick name for him that I finally had back. As I looked to the clock, I realized it was eight o'clock.

"Shit!" I yelled, jumping up to throw on the gear I had planned out last night. I didn't plan waking up this late and I wanted to be there on time. It was Julians first game back, I had to be there.

I ran into the bathroom and started to get ready. Brush teeth. Brush hair. Wash face. Do makeup. Look good.


Finally, I was ready to run out, ready to watch my babe.

I grabbed my keys and ticket and called an uber, jumping in and telling them Gillette. I know it was about a forty minute drive, so as I waited, I decided I needed to text him.

Woke up late be there soon.

- morning glory

But there came no response. Probably since he was practicing and getting ready to play, but as I watched the game click down to almost time for warmups, I was panicking. For reasons I didn't know. 

"How much farther?" I asked the driver.

"About fifteen minutes." I sighed. "Okay, I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second, let me know when we are there." He nodded as I closed my eyes, trying to relax for this game.


There was darkness, but then there were screams.

Correction. Cheers. 

My eyes opened as I realized I was no longer in my uber heading to Gillette. I was in Mile High.

I looked around, trying to figure out what day it was, what was going on, when I realized the day. 

November 29th.

How could it be this day? This day that seemed so long ago and the day I tried to put out of my mind since it happened in the first place.

I looked down at the field and watched as Tom threw the ball in the air, Julian catches it and starts flying down the field.

Except I wasn't cheering this time, I was screaming.

"JULIAN! STOP! WATCH OUT!" I started to run down to the field, getting closer as I struggled through the sea of orange jerseys and drunk fans pushing me around. 

But I wasn't going to get there in time and as I watched him run, suddenly it was slow motion.

Then it was quiet.


Except for the sound of Julian breathing, of him running, of the sound of his jersey and the padding. I was hundreds of feet away, but I could hear it as everything moved so slowly and my eyes were glued on him like I was watching a car crash. 

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