Chapter 36

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I'm back baby! I know you guys have been waiting and I'm SO sorry I've been so sketchy with my updates, but I promise I'm still here and kicking. I will never leave a story unfinished, promise. Now I know I'm going into the future a little with the football game against the dolphins, but wouldn't it be hilarious if I was like right? I would love that. Anyways, to the story. :)

"You're going to be safe right?" 

Morning sun peered through the window as Julian and I awoke, getting ready for the day ahead of us. Today Julian had a game, the first actual game back at home, not a preseason game, but an actual game. 

"Of course baby." He said, giving me a loving look.

"You promise me?" I asked again.

"I mean, I can't promise Sam." I sighed as I looked at him. "No, you have to promise me Julian. You have to promise that you will leave that field in one piece physically and mentally." He looked down for a second, but then back up.

"I promise. I won't leave you or our children to be without a father. I promise." I smiled and even though I knew it wasn't a legit promise and that anything can happen, I was satisfied with knowing that he would give it his all.

If you had asked me a little over a year ago what my biggest fear was, it probably would of been the common ones like death or public speaking. But now, it was loosing Julian on the field. Every Sunday, or rare Monday and Thursday, I can't breathe for a few hours, just hoping he'll be okay. And I can't ask him to stop, it's his life, it's his love.

"It's an early game though babe, so I have to get going. The Dolphins got nothing on us always, you know that." I smiled as I watched him get out of bed, that beautiful body of his strut to the bathroom.

"You'll be in the box with Gisele and Ellie like always." He said, well, what I think he said as he mumbled as he brushed his teeth.

"Sounds good babe." And I covered the sheets over my head and got my last bits of sleep. Me and twins needed it.


"Are you excited?" Gisele asked, smiling very wide.

"Oh yeah. I mean I'm scared for Julian, but I'm sure he'll be fine out there. Now if it was the Broncos, man I would be terrified, I always am when he plays them." I said, looking out to the field to see them warming up.

Gisele started to laugh and I looked over to her.

"What?" I asked.

"No, I meant, are you excited about the twins? You're due any day now right?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm excited, but again, also scared." And we started to laugh.

"Don't worry, I was really scared with both Benny and Vivian, but it was okay, didn't hurt." And I smiled as she said this, but in reality, all I could think about what that of course it didn't hurt for her, she's Gisele.

Now I know that's a stupid thought, she's a human being like me.

But she's not, she's Gisele and no one can tell me otherwise.


The game had started and it was in the middle of the second quarter. It had been a tight game to this point with both teams having fourteen points each. Even though it was just an early game into the season, every game mattered to the team, especially Tom and Julian. They worked their tail off in every game it seemed. I have never known Julian to half ass anything in his life. He either doesn't do it, or he does it 200%.

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