Chapter 26

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This chapter is mature, so if are you not interested in that, this is a warning. To all others, read ahead. Enjoy. ;)


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"Thank you everyone!" I yelled as we jumped in the limo that was waiting for us outside of the venue. They all cheered as we drove away, being alone with each other, and the driver of course.

It wasn't long before Julians hand started to rub my leg before his lips touched my neck softly.

"Julian." I said, pushing him away lightly and he just laughed.

"What?" He asked playfully.

"You're going to have to wait until we are at the hotel." I said and he sighed, adjusting his seating, his eyes still looking at me, I could feel his stare.

"We're going to be at the hotel soon, I promise." I whispered, my hand grabbing his pants, not too tight, but tight enough to feel his bulge and make him shift, before staring over at me, my smile mischievous.

"Sam you kill me." He whispered and I just smirked.

Soon we had arrived, thanking the driver as we hopped out of the limo. All we had with us was a bag, since we were staying only one night. We wanted to stay at a hotel, because it was just something you did, even thought we easily could of just gone home. We would go home tomorrow and get ready to leave for our honeymoon, but tonight was all us.

We checked in quickly, I could feel Julians hand on my back the entire time, pushing me lightly as we neared our room. I slid the card through the slot, opening the door, before Julian quickly closed it. I looked around the room, smiling wide.

There were petals everywhere, sunflower ones, and candles lit.

"I called ahead to get everything ready." He said and I just shook my head.

"It's amazing Julian."

I was so caught up in the room, I had almost forgotten our previous engagements, that is until he made himself known again.

"Now, come here Mrs. Edelman." He whispered, his hands snaking around my waist as he lips attacked my neck and I immediately could feel myself falling back into the world of him.

"I love the sound of that." I said, squirming around as his tongue painted across my shoulder and neck, before biting at my ear softly, sending sparks through me and a moan slip out. 

"Good, because I love saying it baby girl." 

God I loved that, too.

"Unzip me." I said, pulling away for a second and I could feel him unzip my dress quickly and his hands pull my dress down. 

"I love you in this dress, but I love you so much more out of it." He said as I slipped out of my heels and out of the dress, throwing it to the ground. 

"Well, I want you out of that suit." I said, pulling his jacket off and unbuttoning his shirt, our kisses heating up more and more as our tongues intertwined, my hands sloppily messing with his belt. Finally I got it and I unzipped his pants, before letting him get out of everything fully. He was left in his briefs and he slipped his shirt off. 

He picked me up swiftly before dropping me onto the bed, pulling me legs to him. 

"These need to go." He said, pulling my panties from me and throwing them behind him and then undoing my braw as well. 

I sat up, grabbing his briefs and pulling them down in one movement, letting him be free completely and I already knew he was hard. 

"So hard for me." I said, before taking him in my hand and letting my tongue drag along his length. He moaned softly, which was entirely too hot.

"But what about you?" He asked as I let go, him pushing me back as he jumped in bed with me, kissing me hard and passionately and I could feel his fingers enter me and I jumped slightly, him smiling into the kiss.

"Mrs. Edelman, you're so wet." He whispered into my ear and the sensation of his hot breath on my neck with the feeling of his fingers pushing into me was making me not even remember who I was.

"I-I can't help it." I said finally and he pulled his fingers out of me, starting to move one finger around my clit, causing an ungodly feeling surge through me and his mouth took a nipple, letting his tongue swirl around it slowly. 

I couldn't take it and I pushed him over, letting myself be on top and he smiled as I took control. I let my tongue drag across his stomach, tracing his abs and up to his neck, causing him to sigh, his eyes shutting as he let his feelings take over. I took him in my hand again, slowly pumping him and he grabbed at the sheets. 

"Does that feel good?" I whispered and he nodded. I didn't want to make him go all the way, so I had stopped, letting him take control again as he pushed me down.

"Do you want me?" He asked, his hands massaging my breasts, our bodies pushed together as close as possible.

"Yes." I said and he smirked.

"Are you sure?" I hated and loved when he teased me.

"Please Julian." I said again, my breathing escalating by the minute, we both were getting hotter and hotter but I wanted more. 

He pushed himself into me and I threw my head back, feeling him fully as one arm wrapped around my back to push me towards him more, another bracing himself against the sheets.

"Harder." I moaned and he didn't fail to as his pace escalated, gong deeper in deeper, my moans and yells escalating with them.

"So fucking good baby girl." He said, his lips crashing onto mine again, our kissing heavy and sloppy, our breathing hard and the bed shaking in all it's glory.

"More, more." I kept saying and I could feel my body tightening and his moves were getting sloppier, but he kept his pace up. 

"I'm close." He said, biting my neck as we both were reaching our breaking points.

"Oh God Julian. Julian, ah, JU-" I could not finish what I was saying as I screamed, grabbing his back tightly as I could feel what I could only describe as electricity surging through me, causing me to move and arch, but he grabbed me tight as he came too, letting out a hard and shallow breath we both orgasmed, falling back on to the bed, breathing heavily. 

He didn't pull out immediately or even move, we just breathed, looking each other in the eyes before smiling. 

He pulled out finally, falling onto his back, before pulling me close.

"Amazing as always Mrs. Edelman." He said and I looked up at him, laughing softly.

"Well Mr. Edelman, you're touch is as electric as it always has been."

He kissing me again, but this time, much softer than just moments ago. 

"Even after being together and having as much sex as we do, you still get hot for me each and every time." He said, seemingly amazed by this.

"Julian, you just look at me a certain way and I'm wet. You have that affect." I said, playing with his hair.

"I could say the exact same for you." He said, kissing me still.

For a few moments it was quiet again and I could feel sleep finally pulling at me. A long fulfilling day coming to an end and it was perfect as I laid with the only man I loved with such passion.

"I'm incredibly happy to be married to you." He said and I yawned, kissing him one last time, before snuggling my face into him.

"I am as well my love."

And he blew out the candles the nightstand, before wrapping his arms around and falling asleep, husband and wife at last. 

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