Chapter 14

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Can't wait till next week so we can show Denver what we are made of! ;) Thank you for comments and likes, always appreciate hearing from you guys! Enjoy! :)

Danny's lips crashed onto mine and it wasn't long until I had pulled away, jumping up immediately.

"Danny what the hell?!" I screamed, he looked so shocked by everything, he couldn't even stand.

"I-I don't know." He said, looking stunned.

"Well obviously it was something! Why did you just kiss me?!" I demanded an answer, I was so confused right now by everything.

"I don't know why I did it! I just, I just did." I laughed and started to walk away from him.

"Danny, you did it for some reason, you didn't just do it." Finally he stood up, slowly walking towards me, but I backed up.

"Danny, what is going on?" I asked. I was concerned for him, but I was so confused now too. I went from worried for Julian one second to shocked the next.

"It just, it was dark and we were staring at each other and I don't know, I guess I just wanted to kiss someone, I'm sorry I don't know what I just did." Danny started to run his hands through his hair as he paced.

"But that doesn't give you the right to just go and kiss people!" I yelled and he just shook his head.

He said nothing for a moment and I could tell he honestly regretted what he had just done.

"I know, I know!" 

I calmed myself down, I knew yelling at him was not going to help. It didn't help when I yelled at Julian either, I had to cool it down.

"Danny, do you have feelings for me?" His head snapped back to look at me as I neared him, just wanting an honest answer now.

"Honestly Sam, no. I mean, I think you're great and pretty, but I don't have feelings for you, I still have feelings for Talor! I just, I kissed you in a time of lapse of judgement, I don't know what I just did." 

I sighed and ran a hand through my own hair as he did the same to his own.

We are so fucking screwed.

"We can't tell him." Danny finally said, his hands bracing himself against the kitchen counter.

"You know I can't keep secrets." I said back, Julian would pick up on it.

"Sam, he is my best friend. He will be beyond pissed, he will never forgive me." That might be true, I wasn't sure, but I wasn't about to keep secrets from Julian. 

"I know he will be angry, but I have to tell him." 

"You're the last person I would think to want to tell him this since he's already acting like a complete ass." I chuckled and Danny looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah, he is, but I love him Danny. I agreed to marry this man, I'm not about to start keeping secrets from him. I owe him that." 

Danny nodded slowly, but we both knew, this was bad.

"Well, we're not going to have to deal with this until tomorrow at least, Julian's too drunk to do anything or call anyone right now."

Danny let out a long sigh and he looked so angry with himself.

"I'm so sorry Sam. I guess I just thought we both needed a kiss, but that was so fucking stupid of me."

I loved this man, not in the way I loved Julian, but a different way. Like the way I loved my brother and I felt bad for him, but I was still a little ticked by it, but yelling at him wasn't going to make it any better.

"Well I do need a kiss, but just not from you." I got a smile out of him as he finally looked at me.

"Is it going to be awkward now?" He asked.

"Nah, we're good." I let it slide for now, my worries could not be on this at the moment. If Danny did have feelings for me, which I highly doubted, I didn't care right now. 

"I'm just going to pack it in tonight, try and sleep this all off." Danny said, finally walking past me.

"The guest bedroom is the first door to the right, night Sam." And he was gone, off to sleep I assumed. 

Not only did I have to deal with Julians problems, now I had to get through whatever this was. What was happening?



"God Fucking ugh." 

I mumbled as bright lights shone in to blind me wherever I was. There was ringing in my head and a nausea I could feel immediately. 

When I was finally able to open my eyes, I realized I was laying on the living room floor, still fully clothed and sprawled out. I knew I was drunk as hell last night, but I had to of been plastered. I can't remember anything about last night.

I sat myself up as I stared out of the window looking over Boston, trying to grasp what happened. 

"Sam?" I asked, seeing if she was here, but as I heard nothing, I had my answer. 

"Where is she, what happened?" So many thoughts in my mind. She was gone though, that had to mean I did something bad, what did I do?

I was already pissed at her for being unsupportive in my mind, maybe it was good she wasn't here right now. Why couldn't she be supportive? Why couldn't she understand that football was my life?

I finally got up all the way and decided the best thing to do was to get cleaned up and lay back down. I was sick as hell from whatever I did last night, I wasn't going anywhere for at least a few hours, I might as well lay back down. 

I was able to strip before falling to the toilet to throw up.

God this was horrible. I can't remember the last time I was this hangover.

After a good throw up session, I made it to the bed, laying down in the bliss of pillows and heavenly comfort.

Maybe I could remember something about last night if I laid down for awhile. 

Not long after, I was out.

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