Chapter 33

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Change that to 'Fans' and this is what Sam is wearing a lot during her pregnancy ;) 

"How you doing beautiful?" Julian asks sweetly, handing me my water, but I just groan as I sit up on the couch.

"I'm nauseas, I hate this." I whined, Julian taking a seat next to me and grabbing my hand. 

"I know baby, but it'll all be worth it. Anything I can get you?" I sighed looking over at him. He was in training camp, getting ready for the new season and every second he wasn't doing that, he was tending to me all hours of the day. If he wasn't available, Ellie was the next victim on my list.

"No, you've been doing so much for me. Anything I can get you?" I asked and he just laughed lightly.

"You don't get it, do you?" I shook my head, confused. He laid his hand on my belly, smiling, I smiled with him. 

"You are carrying two babies. Not just one, two. And you have to do this for nine whole freaking months of just carrying babies. I had the super easy and fun part and now you have to do the unfun part of carrying them. So you don't have to get me anything, I am more than happy to do anything for you." Julian was so caring, even more so since the news of me being pregnant and I loved him so much for it. I kissed him softly, before sighing again. 

"I love you." I said and he smiled.

"I love you so much Sam." He sat back for a moment, us just breathing calmly, when a thought entered my head.

"Hey Julian?" I inquired and he looked to me.

"Shouldn't we think of names?" His eyes widened and he laughed.

"I kinda completely forgot that we get to name them. Like for a second there, I thought they came named." I cocked my head at him.

"You thought they came named? Like they just come out of my vagina with a name tag like 'oh hey this one's Jimmy, wow, I hear that's a super rare one'!" I sarcastically bit at him and he rolled his eyes as I laughed.

"No I know that's not true I'm not dumb! I just forgot for awhile, forgot we had to actually name them. And for the record, Jimmy isn't rare at all. And we are not naming the boy that." Julian pouted and I rolled my eyes back. 

"Okay, then for the boy, what would you like to call him?" He sat thinking for a moment.

"What about Aidan?" 

"Ugh, too close to Adam."


"Nickelodeon? Next." 


"No." Julian pouted as he crossed his arms.

"Okay than fine, what do you think then for the girl?" 

"I was thinking Marie." I said and he slowly looked to me.

"Marie? Really? What are we, in the french times and we are having the queen? Nope."

"Jesus, wow, okay then what about Ella?" 

"Too close to Ellie."


"Too, bla." 

I looked to him, annoyed.

"Too 'bla'"? I asked and he smirked.

"Yes, too bla. Not unique enough."

"Okay fine, what about Sun." 

"Okay that's too unique." 

I sat back, pouting as well and we both seemed to not know what to do.

"We only have a few more months to figure this out. So I say we just think about it and pick names when we see them." He smiled for a second, but then put his hand out to shake.

"Deal." I shook it, but he pulled me in for a kiss after, shocking me for a second, but then falling into it.

"Sneaky." I said and he just winked.

"Always baby."

I sat back thinking again. It was nearly July and usually we would be planning to go to fourth of July at Julians parents, like we did last year, but this year, I had no idea what we were doing, Julian had said nothing. 

"Hey Jules, aren't we supposed to start packing here soon?" He looked over to me confused, as he got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well, aren't we going to spend fourth of July with your parents and siblings again? Like your whole tradition thing?" He looked at me and smiled, before returning to the couch.

"I'm taking a break from the tradition this year." My brows furrowed as I was confused why he would want to.

"But why? Are you angry at them?" He laughed before taking my hand again.

"No we are great! I just don't want to be flying and everything with you pregnant." I laughed and now he looked confused.

"You do know I can still travel being pregnant, right? I'm not too pregnant yet." He sighed.

"Yeah I know, but still. I just want to be safe for you and the babies. Plus I thought we could spend it here with your family, you know, your mom and brother." I immediately lit up at the thought of that.

"Really? You would want to do that?" I asked and he looked so stunned.

"Of course I would! Your family is my family and I love them! I don't get to see them enough and my parents and everyone understand, they are totally cool with it." 

I jumped at Julian, well, tried to, and kissed him as hard as I could before breaking away into smaller kisses.

"I love you so much and they are going to be so happy to spend another holiday with us!" He pulled me in close, laughing as he did, I'm sure I was acting like a little child.

"Just think, this Thanksgiving and Christmas we get to spend it with them." He said, touching my belly again and I smiled.

"I can't wait to meet them." I whispered, touching his hand and he kissed my cheek. 

"Me neither, me neither." 

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