Chapter 34

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I groaned in annoyance, pulling at my new dress I had bought for this day. It was white with blue horizontal stripes. I thought it looked so good on the rack for a fourth of July get together, but as I looked at myself in the mirror with it on, I hated it. 

I didn't really hate the dress, that was fine. It was me. I hated how I looked, how big I was getting and how much bigger I would get. Having twins meant twice the fun, sure, but also, twice the fucking size it seemed lately. 

"We need to get going babe." Julian said walking in, looking fine as hell as he always did, made me a little mad today.

"I'm not ready." I said, running my hands through my hair and he looked at me, shoes on and everything.

"You look ready."

I sighed heavily, before putting my hands on the counter. 

"I hate how I look, I'm fat and I'm not attractive, I'm just a huge monster." I whined, Julian laughed lightly.

"You're not fat or a monster Sam, you're pregnant." He said taking my hands and I shook my head.

"I'm not sexy." I pouted and he looked at me confused.

"You're not sexy?" He asked and I looked at the mirror.

"No, how can you even look at me and be like, 'oh yeah that's attractive'." I pulled my hands away from him. 

"Sam, you are the sexiest thing that walks this planet, pregnant or not." I rolled my eyes, 'pfft'ing all the way.

"Okay whatever." I said, walking past him, but he caught my hand.

"Look at me." He said sternly and so I looked up into his eyes.

"You need to stop it, because it doesn't matter, you are sexy. Damn Sam I mean, I'm turned on all the time when I'm with you. I would take you on this bed right now if we didn't have a place to be and don't challenge me, because I will." I smiled, before kissing him quickly.

"Thanks Jules, but even so, I don't feel sexy being the way I am. I feel like a mom, I'm not even a mom yet but I feel like a mom, not sexy." Julian smirked, oh that smirk, before coming closer to me and kissing me much more slowly and passionately than the last kiss, one hand on my cheek, the other grabbing my ass tightly, making me squeal into the kiss. The kiss left me a little hot, the ass grip, a little turned on.

"We get back here tonight, I'm making you feel sexy." He growled and I couldn't say anything to that except damn I was lucky.

"Now let's get going before your mom and bro wonder where the hell we are." 

I nodded, shaking my head lightly to get me out of my phase he put me in.

Damn that Julian.


"Finally! Get in here!" Mom shrieked, ushering us into the house.

"Sorry we are a little late, you know traffic." Julian said and Matt just shock me a look of disgust, knowing full well what that usually meant.

"And while you're pregnant? Really?" He mouthed to me. I gave him the finger back.

Matt and I could speak to each other without really speaking. We could just mouth the words silently and over the years of doing it for so long, we could read each other very well, even from a reasonable distance.

"I'm just glad you are here! How are your parents?" Mom asked Julian and he smiled as he set down his burgers on the kitchen table, he was always the burger man, no matter what.

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