Chapter 31

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"Are you ready? We have to get going if we are going to make the appointment!" Julian called, me putting on my last bit of makeup. 

"Yes I'm coming, just finishing." I said, applying the last bit of mascara as Julian walked in.

"We are going to a doctors appointment, do you really need makeup on?" I shot a glared look at him and he backed off. 

"I'm throwing up almost every morning, I feel nauseas half the time and I'm lying to pretty much everyone I know, just saying that I'm fat. Yes, I'm going to put makeup on and feel pretty, okay?" I snapped back and he placed his hands on my hips lightly as I set my mascara down and straightened my hair a little more. 

Ever since I started to 'show', its been hard lying to everyone about my pregnancy. The only person who knows is Ellie and she hasn't even told Danny. My students don't know what to make of me and I think they are either getting worried that their dance instructor is fat or I'm lying about something. If I'm not pregnant to people, they think I'm fat and they ask, 'do you think Julian will still love you?'. Cause thats not a hard question to be asked frequently. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just excited. You know I am." I smiled to him and sighed. 

"I know, I'm sorry I'm so unbearable." He kissed my cheek and I giggled. 

"You're allowed to be snappy, you're carrying child that only gets bigger." I nodded.


I grabbed my purse and we walked down the car, making sure not to be late today. We were going to find out the sex of the baby and I knew I was excited, but Julian, he was over the roof. Had this date circled for so long.

"I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait. I can't wait to buy clothes and decorate and everything!" He said, driving excitedly. 

"Really? Because usually its the girl that's excited about all of that." I said, laughing at his enthusiasm. 

"I know, but it just sounds fun. I mean, some of it won't be, but telling my parents and seeing their reaction, having the world know, raising a kid? That's going to be amazing. And the best part is, it's with you." He took my hand as he was driving and I couldn't help but tear up and started to cry.

"Is something wrong?" He asked and I shook my head.

"That's just so sweet." I said, crying. Usually I wouldn't cry over something small, but now, with the hormones, anything too mean, too sad, or too nice set me into tears. It sucked ass.

I wiped the tears away and grabbed my phone to look at something to calm me down and clicked onto twitter. The world didn't know I was pregnant, but oh did they have their theories. As I clicked twitter, the first post included me as a top news story or media whatever they are. 

'Samantha Edelman too comfortable with marriage?' I looked at it strangely, before clicking it to see what the hell exactly it was saying.

'If you've been anywhere the past few months, you know that Julian Edelman married a dancer earlier this year and is wedded to wife Samantha Edelman. It has only been a few months and Mrs. Edelman is already packing on the pounds. Could it be that she is too comfortable with marriage or is something else going on? How does Julian feel about this. Will he start looking for more fit women or stay true to his every still growing newlywed wife?' 

I couldn't even read further before throwing my phone back into my purse, angry as could be.

"Whats wrong?!" Julian asked, very worried as I yanked my hand back, crossing them angrily. 

"The news thinks I am fat and getting fatter and wonder if you're going to leave me." He looked appalled as we rolled into a parking space in the hospital, and he turned to me after putting it in park. 

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