Chapter 39

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"Cute little peanuts, huh?" I asked Julian as we looked down at them in their cribs. 

"The cutest." He said, putting an arm around my hip. 

It's been about two months since we had Layla and Jayce and it was going... well it was going pretty much how you'd expect have two month olds. Lot's of crying, poop, not having a lot of sleep, all that good stuff.

But with that also came the amazing stuff. Seeing them laugh, cry even, playing with them, making stupid faces, being kids ourselves again.

"What do you think Layla will be when she grows up?" I asked Julian as we looked at her peaceful little face. She was the easiest of the two, slept through the night, ate great, everything.

"Hm, I want to say that she'll either be a dancer like her mommy or save with world and bring peace. Because she's so peaceful." I laughed, but as quiet as I could to not wake them.

"Either way, she'll be a muse for someone, you have to be with a name like Layla." I nodded and then we looked over to our boy, he was the difficult one, but he laughed the most ironically.

"I think he'll be a football player like dad." I said, looking at Julian and I could just tell he was proud of this peanut already.

"Maybe, whatever he does, he'll be great at it. Also, as long as he finds a good woman like dad did, he'll be good. The Edelman's have always found great women, hopefully he'll continue that." I shook my head as we walked out of the room and shut the lights out, heading to the bedroom. 

"Well she better be a good woman to my little boy. And a good boy for our little girl." I said, climbing into bed.

"I got no worries they will be." Julian and I cuddled up together, falling asleep. Hoping that maybe tonight was the night we got a full night of sleep.


I awoke early, refreshed and ready to take on the world. It was a full nights sleep hallelujah! Funny enough, Julian was not next to me when I awoke, so I meandered to the baby's room, where he happened to be, cradling them both and talking to them. I kept out of sight to listen in.

"Now you guys better appreciate your mom, she birthed you guys, well, basically birthed you. One of you she birthed and the other was removed. Well, now that sounds mean. One of came out the v-"

"Julian stop." I said laughing, stopping him before he would go on any further. "Don't ruin them." I said, sitting on the ground with him and taking Jayce, starting to breastfeed him.

"Hey, they are gonna find out one day." I rolled my eyes. "Telling them at two months old isn't the time, they won't even remember it." He sighed as he looked over at me.

"Hey there Jayce, remember that breast was mine first." With my free hand, I smacked Julian on his arm.

"What! It's true." I rolled my eyes. Whatever you say Jules.

"What time should we go to Danny's?" I asked looking at my phone. The time was seven am, pretty early, but not too bad.

"I think at ten they said."

We were dropping off the twins at Danny's for the day so we could have our first day to ourselves. The first day in two months! Ellie was going to be there to help of course, her and Danny were a thing.

"They are cute together huh?" I asked Julian and he nodded, smiling.

"Perfect. She's SO much better that Talor." I agreed, I hated Talor with a passion. 

"Anyways, let's get some breakfast in us and them before we head over." I agreed full hearted with that as we got up to get ready for our free day.

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