Chapter 15

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There was no way I was going to Dunkins Today, it was going to be packed by crazy fans surrounding me, asking me to sign this and that and by the time I get out, I won't even get the coffee I went in there for. But what other options were there around here?

As I looked around I noticed a coffee shop just near by, The Bean. It did not looked packed at all and from what I could see, looked like it just opened.

As I walked in, I knew it was a good choice. No one was in here, except for a girl at the counter. 

I grabbed a menu at the counter and studied it, not really knowing what to get though. All these names for things were different than they were at Dunkins or anywhere else for that matter.

"Welcome to The Bean! What can I get started for you?" I lowered the menu and as I did, her face went from pleasant smile to absolute shock. I had that affect on people.

"What do you suggest is the best on the menu to get someone up and at it early?" She looked shocked and a little confused, but snapped back as she hurried to answer me. I personally find it cute.

"Um, well, I always like to have the Morning Glory, which is one of our brews we specialize here, the caffeine helps to awake."  She fidgeted with her pen as she tried her hardest to smile at me and not probably scream, but I smiled back. Her hazelish brown hair was falling in her face as she struggled to push it back, her eyes darting from me to the pad she was about to write on. 

"Interesting, I'll try that."  She scribbled it down.

"Okay sounds good. Take a seat anywhere and I'll bring it to you when it's ready, okay?"  I nodded and took a seat by the window as she continued to make my coffee. 

I watched her make it and as she brought it to me, I was intrigued by her for some reason. 

"Anything else you need?" I thought about saying no, but I wanted to talk to her.

"You know, I would love to talk to you."


I paced around my apartment as I made the decision to either dial the phone number or not. I wanted to tell her I loved her, I wanted to tell her to be mine, but I didn't want to lose her if she said no or that she didn't feel the same way. Or the dreaded, I love you like a brother. God no.

Finally, I decided to do it, I couldn't take not doing it any longer. 

"Hello?" Her voice came though and soothed me, but at the same time, trying to respond was nerve racking. 

"Um, hey, it's Julian." I sounded so pathetic probably, not myself at all.

"Hey, Jules, what's up?" I love you. God no don't say that over the phone Julian.

"I was wondering if you could come over right now, I kinda want to talk about something." Did that sound to pathetic? Too demanding maybe? Maybe too urgent?

"Yeah, I'll be over in a couple minutes okay?" 

The nerves started to build up as I waited for her to come. I always felt so calm about everything it seemed to be. I feel calm before a game, I feel calm during a game, I even felt calmer during the goddamn Super Bowl, but this was different, I was just so nervous to not just lose a game, but someone.

Finally the door knocked and I opened it. 

"Hey is everything okay?" She touched my arm and I could feel a jolt go through me. This woman I have seen naked, multiple times, shared countless secrets, but now I felt so different.

"I just, I wanted to ask you something." We sat on the couch and I took a deep breathe. 

Here I go.

"When we won the Super Bowl, I thought that there would never be a more amazing feeling, but I've found I feel something stronger, even more amazing. Is it possible to feel that for a person?" I already knew the answer, I knew it was love.

"Only love I think could mimic that feeling." Well, there was nothing left to do but say it.

"Samantha, I'm in love with you." 

Her eyes widened and I immediately regretted it. No, this was bad.

"You love me?" She asked and I just knew it was too late to go back.

"You make me feel like so indescribable and I need to tell you, before someone comes along and gets you and I regret never telling you. If you don't feel the same, I understand, but I-" 

And her lips crashed onto mine, shutting me up quickly and I didn't fight it. 

We had kissed so many times, but this was different, it wasn't lust, it wasn't any of that. It was an understanding. 

It was love.

"Julian, as long as you're around, there will never be anyone else. I pushed you away once, stupidly, but it only made me realize myself, that I can never feel happiness unless I'm with you. I love you." 

And for once, all was right with the world. 


Morning shone through the window as my eyes adjusted to its brightness. I turned away from the sun and towards the person next to me, Sam. 

She was sleeping soundly, tucked into me, her face buried away and I smiled. The night before was the night Adam tried to kill us both, hell, all of us including Rob and Danny and thankfully, none of us lost our lives. She would probably have nightmares, but I would be there for them to calm her.

I was just ecstatic she was alive and here with me. It's an indescribable feeling to know that she was safe completely for the first time and that I was lucky enough to hold her and be with her. 

She was so beautiful, so everything. 

I love her so much. 

I think I'm going to marry her.


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